Realizations in The Wake of Tragedy

Taken By Denisse DLC

Taken By Denisse DLC

Just 30 minutes ago I saw one Facebook post that lead me to Google for facts. “R.I.P Paul Walker” were the words. Now, seeing as how internet hoaxes go around easily, I thought to myself that it was a really cruel joke. I proceeded to Google for information and found out that it was true, he had passed. Now, I will say I hope he rests in peace and the entire ordeal is a bit shocking and unexpected. But it did lead me to realize some things about media. How did this information spread so quickly?

For me, one Facebook post lead me to discover the NY Post article online. I called my friend, a die hard fan only to get the reaction, “Stop playing with me Denisse.” But she also Googled and she also found that I was unfortunately speaking the truth. I go back on Facebook and now there are TONS of posts dedicated to the late actor. Now I’m thinking, okay seriously how is this traveling so quickly.

I sign onto my Instagram and pictures are on the popular page and some of my friends have posted pictures of the actor. News does indeed travel very quickly and it’s all because of the various social media sites we use to communicate and the rates at which we are on such sites. I feel like the entire incident and the news of the incident blew up proportionately because of the fact that there are so many people on these social media sites that information travels fast.

The way that people obtain information today is very different than before. I feel like now you might gain information without really looking for it. How many times have people watched videos on Youtube because of links to pages on friends Facebook profiles? Or read a news article because someone commented on a link to that article on Facebook and it showed up on their news feed. Everything is honestly interconnected and because of this we have a large pot of ways to gain access to information; whether that be willingly or unwillingly.

I will say that having this realization is something that came out of no where, to just sit and think about how fast some people were learning of this tragic news inspired me to write this.

Isn’t it crazy though – it’s almost as if we’re all learning some things together.