Technology Over Break

Break has been in one word- awesome. It has been so nice to catch up with my friends and family, some of whom I have not seen in three months. I have noticed, however, a significant change in my technology use. Perhaps it is the hours of waiting for food to be fully cooked or the frequency with which other people at home use technology compared to my friends at Middlebury, but whatever the reason, I have been texting and Snapchatting much more since I have been home. In the Logue household, Snapchat is a fun way to cram as many Logues as possible into a 2×4 picture. We take Snapchats as a means of connecting in that moment with each other, in addition to connecting with the recipients of our crowded Snaps. At Middlebury, I use Snapchat frequently, but I use it more as a means of keeping in touch with my friends from home than as a means of capturing a moment.

That’s all for now! Hope everyone is having a great break!