Teaching n stuff

I think students more often than not take teachers for granted. It takes a lot of work and preparation to make an outline for a single session, not to mention an entire semester for several different classes. Weird to think of it now that I’ve tried it out – sort of. Then there is the presentation component of teaching, something students see every day but again, don’t appreciate. It’s a tough job, at any level.

I think if I learned anything from my experience at MUMS it was just that. I don’t really have much else to say about it. If I were to give pointers, I would say: 1. Be prepared (seriously though, know what and how you want to teach, allocate time, etc.) 2. Speak up and with enthusiasm, grasp the student’s attention. 3. Be confident, you run those kids, let them know who’s boss.

All in all, good experience. Something every student should try once.