Phoneless in Montreal


Two  weekends ago, I went to Montreal, Canada. What an experience  that was. My only struggle during the trip? – No Cell Phone Service.

 Since I didn’t want to be charged any international fees, I had to keep my phone on airplane mode for the entire day and a half that I was in Canada.

The actual experience of being outside with friends in another country without a phone made things a bit complicated.  It made me realize that sometimes it can be dangerous to not have a phone around. I was subjected to be with my friends at all times. Even if we were in the same store – I tried to not venture off elsewhere because  I was afraid of being lost and not find a way back to my friends because I had no phone. I feel like I sound like I’m disappointed in myself for being so dependent on my phone but I’m actually acknowledging a good thing with phones.


Yes, I tend to say that my life revolves around my phone, but in all honesty, my phone also provides me with safety and security. Having a phone can be the important tool in many situations, from getting lost in a store to getting in an accident; phones are also very helpful because of their communicative aspects.


It was also very amusing to not be able to Google things. I’d pull out my phone if we needed to get some type of information and say “Oh right, no service.” The access to information that mobile devices bring is also very helpful. I was so frustrated that I wasn’t able to find things out easily but I also realized how phones are an open book to answers on the spot. And usually you remember the things that you had searched so it really helps in spreading intellect even if the question is as simple as money conversations from U.S dollars to Canadian dollars.


Our View from the Hotel. @DenisseDLC

Our View from the Hotel. @DenisseDLC



My first night in Canada was amazing, the evening was wonderful and I got to explore a place I had never been to before. But my reaction when we got to the hotel room and I found out I could get Wi-Fi? – YES, FINALLY!