How Rob Ford is changing my view of Twitter

This morning, I was casually surfing my Facebook news feed when I saw a status update that read “On this weeks episode of Keeping Up With Rob Ford, Rob Ford says “he didn’t eat some random lady’s p*ssy, and that he has plenty of it to eat at home” live on CP24…” Now, when I found this great little update on my favorite mayor, It had only been posted a couple of minutes ago. Naturally, being the politically engaged young Torontonian that I am, I decided to investigate. The only problem was when I googled for this classic line, nothing came up. This meant one of a couple things. Maybe she’s lying? No, that line is too good to have made up, plus it sounds exactly like something good ol’ Robby would say in one of his drunken stupors. Maybe I was searching for the wrong thing… To be fair, it’s hard to misinterpret his words and my search was pretty detailed. After a couple of minutes of looking I realized that I had just beaten the reporters to the story.

It wasn’t until that I checked Twitter that I found what I was looking for. Although I’m not yet completely sold on Twitter as a platform, I’m starting to realize that it does its strengths. As soon as searched for Rob Ford on Twitter, I found thousands of tweets discussing the mayors latest fiasco. Now almost twelve hours later, the internet is abuzz with article on our ever popular mayor. At times, I think that Twitter is annoying, pointless and a waste of time. That having been said, there are times like today, when it really comes in handy.