Daily Archives: November 12, 2013


We read everywhere. Text messages, emails, Facebook and schoolwork; we’re always reading. Technically. Though there are textual words everywhere I look, and though my brain translates those symbols into meaning, media does not replace the act of reading. Sitting down and reading a book, scholarly article, poem or essay requires a different level of processing and results in a complex type of learning.

Many argue that books aren’t as necessary as before – because now we have so many other mediums for text! Right? But what do I learn from reading an email or a text other than social or personal information? Reading a piece of writing inspires thought, comparison and analysis that can be applied to form opinions or perspectives. Reading stretches the mind. Texting stretches your communication.

I think it’s somewhat of a setback that my generation doesn’t read. Yes, we can communicate to no end, but what do we learn? An obvious exception would be the individuals who read meaningful blogs, newspaper articles or research sites, and technology is an amazing avenue to be informed. However, though I have no actual data, I would say that there is a general trend in my generation of simply not liking to read. We have much faster entertainment now and are much more connected to each other than previous generations, but I really think we are missing out on something.

Real reading stretches perspectives and challenges readers to think and analyze. The vast, seemingly endless collection of literature contains so much thought and information that is available for readers to learn from. Reading enlightens and brings thoughts to a higher level of complexity.

I guess all I want to say is that I, and everyone, should read more.

On the shelf

At the moment, I would consider myself stuck on the shelf. I was given an EKG test (a test that maps your heartbeat) on Friday and it was a little funky, so the doctor recommended I see a cardiologist. There’s a 90% chance I’m totally fine, but because of that 10% chance that something is seriously wrong, I am not allowed to do any activity. No running, no lifting, no recreational pick up basketball…nothing. I feel shelved.

Anyway, so I went to see the cardiologist yesterday. Actually, I didn’t see the cardiologist, I saw the guy that gives echocardiograms. Getting an echocardiogram was kinda of cool. It basically an ultrasound for your heart. By placing the ultrasound device over various spots on my chest and back, the Doc (technically not a doctor, but I will refer to him as doc for the sake of this blog post) could see each chamber of my heart on the screen. We were able to see my each chamber pumping blood to the next, valves opening and closing, and blood getting pumped up my aorta and into my body. It was a really cool experience.

Doc also pressed a button and I could hear my heartbeat coming from a speaker that played it in what I would consider a dubstep version. It was not just a thump thump, it was a computer generated version of my heartbeat. It had some deep thumps and some squeaks and all kinds of weird stuff. At this point I thought my heart was seriously screwed up because it sounded like Skrillex was DJ-ing from inside of it. But, to my relief, Doc said it was pretty normal. Maybe everyone has a personal DJ inside their heart. What he did tell me, was that I have a leaky heart. One of my valves doesn’t close completely after sending blood from one chamber to the next. This isn’t normal, but its not un-normal. I am aware that that is contradictory but thats what Doc said. He said its not something to worry about that much.

Anyway, my echocardiogram checked out to be pretty normal, at least that’s what Doc said, but again he’s not a doctor so that could be bologna. He told me that the cardiologist would take a look at the results and then tell my doctor at school if I can do stuff again. That was supposed to happen this morning…instead of being cleared to begin my active life again, I was told that I didn’t actually have an appointment and that the health center doesn’t have my report yet…back on the shelf. Now I have an actual appointment set up for Friday. Hopefully I will be cleared to do stuff again.