Daily Archives: November 5, 2013

Course Selection in the Digital Age

At exactly 6:46am this morning, Zach, my FYC, ran down the hall banging on doors and waking everyone up for course registration. He came with donut holes to console the tired and disappointed. Apart from the aftertaste of a sprinkle timbit (I refuse to be assimilated – donut hole sounds stupid), what really stuck me about registering online for courses was the amount of emphasis that was put on technology.

This morning, differences in Internet speed probably broke some hearts. I could almost feel the future career earnings of economics majors slipping away from beneath them as their favorite course filled up without them. Last night the last thing that my roommate and I did before we tried to fall asleep was test our ethernet cords, preload banner, and warm up our trigger fingers. From thursday, when the courses were released, up until this morning at 6:59:59, I probably only had two meaningful conversations about classes. That having been said, I spoke with my friends endlessly about the pseudo science that is registering online.

I’m not complaining about Banner. From what I’ve heard, the system works much better than what it’s replacing. I got into the class I wanted: Intro to Meditation. In my zen like state, it’s just interesting to see how changes affect our focus.