Wikipedia Editing

In my digital media class, we were assigned to work on making a wiki page on a social media of our choosing.  I have been created a foursquare wiki.  I find the process to be very intriguing and worth talking about. I honestly had no idea where to start, so I looked up how to format things on wiki pages and made an outline with general topics.  As a I researched Foursquare, I added to the page each time I found something interesting.  I split it up into the features of the application, the uses of the application, and so on.  It made it very enjoyable to see the page grow from all different places.  I started with a struggling 100 words and now its almost 1500 words.  I think I added enough to make it a good draft that other people in my class can contribute to.  It is hard to contribute to other pages if they are not sufficiently outlined, like mine is.  The outline really allows the editor to know where the founder of the page was headed with his or her work.  I really enjoyed contributing to other pages and making it a team effort like a google doc.  The technology today has allowed producing information to be so efficient and wonderful.  For those of you who do not edit wikipedia, you should really give it a try because it can be very rewarding and fun to do.  You can see how a page can be transformed with oodles of information in just under a day.  I definitely think I will continue to edit pages in the future and move towards harder and more complex works.