Daily Archives: October 28, 2013

A Broader Definition for Literacy

In our Digital Media Literacy class, we have often discussed the social ramifications of technology use. We have talked about social-shaping versus technological determinism, and have so often settled on a point somewhere between the two. We discuss these concepts in terms of primarily social impacts – how technology affects our lives and relationships. But there is another part of technology that we have not discussed, perhaps because there is too little research or because it is too complex for an entry-level freshman seminar: the physiological effects of technology. To talk about how technology fundamentally changes us is quite deterministic, but if there is an impact inherent to technology, then how else can we view it?

If you are interested in this sort of thing (all two of you who are reading this), then I advise you head over to the New York Times section about it. There are concerns ranging from flashing lights affecting sleep, to use of technology limiting attention span (although this claim has often refuted), to affects on children of computer use by parents, and many more. I would even go so far as to stress concern about our constant exposure to plastics that are almost entirely unregulated and possibly carcinogenic, as well as the potentially mutagenic effects of radiation. I worry about these things for the same reason that we don’t study them: we just don’t have enough information. Try finding a good study about the effects of light on REM sleep, or about the possibilities for plastics to contain harmful chemicals (I find it hard to imagine that BPA is a fluke).

Obviously until we know more there can be no such thing as informational literacy about the physiological effects of computers. We do know of links between computer use and conditions like carpal tunnel, but repetitive motion injuries are much easier to document than brain and cellular impacts. For now, we need more research on what actually happens to the brain and to the body in response to digital stimuli. There is much to be learned in this regard. For the moment literacy about the physiological impacts of digital media means knowing that there is the potential for risk. A kind of play-it-safe, guilty until proven innocent approach would definitely slow down the infiltration of useful technology into our lives, but it also has the potential to avoid problems down the road.



Moving away from digital media for the evening, I wanted to touch on the awesome winter that is coming.  I don’t know about you guys, but I am a huge skier.  I don’t race or anything, I just love skiing for fun and have been lucky enough to ski all over the US and in Argentina.  There are many more places that I want to ski, including Europe, Japan, and Canada.  There are just so many awesome places to ski and it can be very overwhelming.  I grew up in Northern California, so I would ski a lot in Tahoe and sometime my family would fly to Park City, Utah and ski some of the resorts there.  I recently moved to Vermont for college, which is definitely a big change from California.  I love the fact that my college (Middlebury) is surrounded by several very famous mountains for back east skiers.  There’s Stowe, Killington, Mad River, Sugar Bush, the Middlebury bowl, and many more that are as little as 30 minutes away.  I know that the snow on the east coast can be a lot worse to ski on than in California, but regardless I am glad that I will be able to ski while I am in school any time I want.  Everyone tells me that the snow is much icier due to the cold and that there is no powder, but with the climate changing I’m hoping that there will be some powder days at some point. It will be so fun to be able to go up to the mountains and ski with friends at any point throughout the winter.

Another topic I wanted to get to in this post is the snow that is already falling in Tahoe and Whistler and even Vermont.  Killington has already opened and its only October.  Whistler has so much power it is insane.  Tahoe got almost two feet of snow in the last day.  If the winter is here to stay, us skier and snowboarders are looking at a promising season.  It is exciting stuff and I am looking forward to getting out there and hitting the slopes. Attached are some photos of Whistler in Canada, Killington in Vermont, and Northstar in Tahoe.

Opening day 10/25

Killington Opening day 10/25

Tahoe this morning with one foot of new snow

Tahoe this morning with one foot of new snow

Full of power, dating all the way back to the beginning of October.  Unbelievable!

Whistler Blackcomb Full of power, dating all the way back to the beginning of October. Unbelievable!

Wikipedia Editing

In my digital media class, we were assigned to work on making a wiki page on a social media of our choosing.  I have been created a foursquare wiki.  I find the process to be very intriguing and worth talking about. I honestly had no idea where to start, so I looked up how to format things on wiki pages and made an outline with general topics.  As a I researched Foursquare, I added to the page each time I found something interesting.  I split it up into the features of the application, the uses of the application, and so on.  It made it very enjoyable to see the page grow from all different places.  I started with a struggling 100 words and now its almost 1500 words.  I think I added enough to make it a good draft that other people in my class can contribute to.  It is hard to contribute to other pages if they are not sufficiently outlined, like mine is.  The outline really allows the editor to know where the founder of the page was headed with his or her work.  I really enjoyed contributing to other pages and making it a team effort like a google doc.  The technology today has allowed producing information to be so efficient and wonderful.  For those of you who do not edit wikipedia, you should really give it a try because it can be very rewarding and fun to do.  You can see how a page can be transformed with oodles of information in just under a day.  I definitely think I will continue to edit pages in the future and move towards harder and more complex works.

What Now?

Midterms are over. I have written a total of thirty pages of essays in the last two weeks. I have taken two 2+ hour examinations and an in class essay. So my question is: what now? I almost feel bored that school is conventional again. I sit here in the library thinking that it was an unproductive day because I only had 90 pages of reading for PolySci, wrote half an essay for Spanish, and worked on my wiki during the day. Midterms made me stronger. Writing a five page essay does not seem like such a daunting task anymore.


I suppose it’s time to look to the future. We are only have five weeks until finals. Soon, the snow will fall and I will be skiing again. Soon, I will be getting back from a day of training at the snow bowl, cold and tired and wanting a nap. But instead, I will have to finish an Econ problem set and do some readings for DML. From hearing stories from alumnus this weekend, I have learned that this whirlwind will soon be over as the real world awaits us. It may be tough right now, but it is also so exciting. I have learned an incredible amount already and I look forward to learning even more.


– Murph