Midterm Crisis

Just the other night I had to study for my Political Science Midterm. My political science midterm happened to be the first midterm I will take here at Middlebury college. It was also one of the only tests this semester that was not open book. My Professor gives his lectures in a speedy manner. This caused for me to study by finding the information need for his midterm on my own. What better way to do it than finding definitions and court cases by using the web… That was until the internet crashed.

The panic was never this real.

All that I could do was sit in Ross with my study buddy and sit in frustration. Using our iPhones was the only current solution. However, I didn’t know how much the cell service sucked with data plans until being without wi-fi. The time that I needed the Internet and I depended on it, it FAILED me. I have learned how clueless and frantic I turned. I really had no alternative. I had my books, but they didn’t have the necessary information that I needed. This really taught me a lesson on depending on technology. It was the worst night ever until the internet was back up and running again.