Daily Archives: October 15, 2013


Last night, I watched the documentary Disconnected, which follows three Carleton College students as they attempt to live without a computer for a month. Having completed a 24-hour technology fast, I have an understanding of just how difficult it must have been to live on a college campus without a computer. With the increased popularity of iPhones, however, I think that life without a computer would not be as difficult for us in 2013 as it was for Carleton College students in 2008. In fact, I really only use my computer for homework, as it is more convenient to quickly check emails, Facebook, and the weather from my iPhone. That being said, almost all of my homework requires the use of a computer for writing papers, doing research, and running math programs such as “R”. Without a computer, I think my grades would decrease and my stress level would significantly increase. One issue that the Carleton College students complained about was their boredom. Assuming I would have access to my iPhone, I really do not think that I would be bored were I to simulate this study. To make it more equal to the struggles faced by the students in the documentary, I would have to also agree to not use my phone.