Reflection on Levy & Media Fast

After attending David Levy’s lecture tonight, a realization struck me about our media fast.  Upon reading all of the blog entries by my peers, many people said that the 24-hour fast was not difficult, but “unnecessary” or “inconvenient.”  During Levy’s talk, he mentioned that we should all try to do a 24-hour media fast for one aspect of media.  That would mean fasting from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, texting, email, etc.  What really stuck with me was his deliberate mention that we should not fast from things that are crucial — like being available if your parents need to reach you.  This made me realize that our media fast was actually quite extreme.  As I mentioned in my blog entry about my own personal fast, we could control our access to media if we were in an emergency, but not if someone else was and needed to reach us.  I agree that we should all gain a certain awareness of our media usage, but I don’t think this media fast was a good way to do that.  Although luckily it wasn’t, it easily could have been problematic for many people.  We shouldn’t do things that make our lives inconvenient, but rather explore how our lives would be different without certain aspects that we eliminate one at a time.