The Hardest Thing I Had To Do

Yesterday, at 4:00 I put my phone in a drawer and didn’t take it out for 24 hours, or at least that is what I was supposed to do.  The task was for me to be on a media fast for 24 hours–that includes not looking at any screens for 24 hours.  I thought it was incredibly difficult because my phone is my life and my computer is where I do all my work.  I was not able to watch TV or communicate with friends and family on a typical Saturday.  I was hard to meet up with people and to find people without the use of my phone.  I got a lot of “why didn’t you answer my texts” or “call me later” and I would always just reply ” I can’t” it was hard.  There were times that I would forget about the media fast and try and check my phone remembering just before not to click it on.  I missed it very much, and with all my friends trying to get me to look at a funny video or show me a text, it was hard to stay away from their phones too.  I tried to so hard for so many hours not to look at it, but I succumbed to my desire to check my phone and found a lot of meaningless stuff on it.  I immediately put it back in the drawer after checking the home page.  I was proud that I didn’t do my usual, which is go through all my social media sites and so on.  I am so glad that I had the experience because it really confirmed the fact that I would have such a different life without my phone.  Communication with others would just be so different not in a bad or good way, it would just be different.