Digital Media Fast – A Timeline

Friday October 4


1:45 PM: Begin digital media fast upon completion of an essay that was due later that day.

1:45 PM – 2:45 PM: Econ Class – No digital media needed.

2:45 PM – 3:45 PM: Lie in bed and think about what I might do tonight, my dogs, and home. Walk around campus and see funny things. I want to Snapchat them, but can’t.

3:45 PM – 7 PM: Ski Team Workout and dinner. See everyone in the dining hall enjoying their cell phones. Catch myself reaching into my pocket to check my phone and finding nothing in my pocket.

7 PM – 9 PM: Hanging around in my dorm. Want to blast music, but can’t. I’m lonely. Try to find people to hang out with. No one really sympathizes with me. I need to find an activity to occupy my time. Consider hanging out with Meg, (who is also on her media fast. Sorry Meg.) but decide that going out with friends would keep me entertained longer. I’m feeling good and want to hang out with friends. Continue to reach into pocket to use phone only to realize that it’s in my desk drawer turned off.

9 PM – ? Hang out with Ski Team friends and others. Occasionally reach into my pocket to look at phone, but can’t. Talk with people instead. Have a good time. Not sure when I got back to Battell. Fall asleep. Dream about Netflix (not really).

12:45 PM – Wake Up. Realize that I only have one hour left of my fast. My reaction when…

12:45 PM – 1:35 PM: Go to brunch with some pals. Hang out in Proctor. Talk about last night and my media fast. Really wasn’t a big deal. Still very excited to be able to use my cell phone.

1:35 PM – 1:45 PM: Go back to Battell. Shower. By the time I’m finished, the media fast is over. Boo-ya.


The thing that really stuck out to me was my tendency to reach into my pocket  for my phone whenever I became remotely bored. It is something that I really need to work on. Ultimately, looking at your phone constantly is an ugly trait. When I want to talk with someone and all they care about is what’s happening on their phone, it really turns me off to that person. Turn off your phone. Go outside. The world is beautiful.


Much Love,

