Daily Archives: October 3, 2013


This might just be the most random post to date but has anyone else noticed the squirrels here? I am taken back every time I walk by one. Now I realize I am from New Jersey so the squirrels should not be that much different here. However, the behavior between Vermont and New Jersey squirrels are totally different. If you go within ten feet of a squirrel in New Jersey, they frantically run the other direction. Here, my foot will be inches within a squirrel and it doesn’t seem to be phased in the least. In fact, it doesn’t seem to even notice me. Is this just me? Can someone please confirm or deny whether these squirrels are as audacious as they appear to be to me?

Why I Feel Sorry for John Boehner (but not really)

Politicians have it tough. If you need proof, just look at Barrack Obama’s graying hair.

Politicians have it tough. If you need proof, just look at Barrack Obama’s graying hair.

After reading an article from The Blaze about John Boehner arranging secret meetings with Senate majority leader Harry Reid entitled: HARRY REID’S OFFICE LEAKS BOEHNER OFFICE EMAILS—AND IT COULD RUIN ANY FAITH YOU HAVE IN WASHINGTON, I couldn’t help but think that what I’ve lost more is my faith in those who report about Washington and the American public. My first reaction, honestly, was “why is this news?” The article describes an apparent piece of hypocrisy from Mr. Boehner about Congress’ exemption from Obamacare, in which he negotiated with Reed to preserve subsidies for the program. So Boehner is cooperating (read: scheming, plotting, backstabbing, or doublecrossing if you want) with a law that was passed legally and verified as constitutional by the Supreme Court. Damn. The guy must be some kind of anarchist. Now realistically he has been professing to seek the destruction of the un-American, Communist, Socialist, terroristic, non-gun-toting, almost Canadian health care bill for some time now, so, yes, he does come off looking like somewhat of a liar. My response: meh. If we wanted people who were honest in Washington we wouldn’t have a system of election that goes to the highest bidder. We wouldn’t have campaigns and Super-PACs and all the other detritus that results in elections. Only a fool would think that anyone who is up for reelection is doing anything other than covering themselves. So who’s mad about this? Primarily that old tea party. Apparently the idea of compromising or coming to a better understanding (read: compromising your values, betraying your country, or becoming a communist) on anything was too scandalous to bear.

Orange you glad I didn't say Boehner?

Orange you glad I didn’t say Boehner?

By the way, read the comments on the article page. You’d be surprised how easily the word “Marxist” gets thrown around. Also, “administration” is now a word that gets quotes around it, and apparently Satan is afraid of “Harry Carry Reed.” Wow. I guess the age of civil discourse is not dead.

I was going to end this post a paragraph ago, but I can’t stop expressing how frustrated the discourse in this country makes me. No, socialist is not considered a dirty word because it’s not 1960 anymore. Something can’t be unconstitutional if the Supreme Court already ruled it constitutional. Stop worrying about Boehner’s loyalties (or apparent lack thereof), and worry about getting the furloughed federal employees back to work. We know they’re all corrupt, but they still have to do their job.

This country man.


Watching Movies Nowadays

I am a  big movie fan. Scratch that, I am a really passionate movie fan. I’d like to say I’ve seen them all, but at least I can say I’ve seen most of which define the movie scene from past to present times. I even made a ‘philosophical movie discussion’ for the Philosophy journal I was part of in high school, something they never did before for (very) obvious reasons. TV Shows, clips, movies, TV films, blockbusters, low-budget (low-commercial) I (almost) liked them all.

But I’ve only been to the cinema three times in my life… At first it was because  there was no cinema where I lived in Macedonia (I know, right?), and then it was because we got used to easy access to everything online. I used to rent videos at the time video stores were present, and then I went online.

Just to think that the issue of ‘What movie are we watching?’ is not a thing you might plan a week ahead, unless you have a friend/SO date at the cinema, is baffling in itself – but all those online catalogs of movies you can watch with just a click instantly planted itself in our culture and renting movies might be called ancient history now. Netflix, Hulu, even illegal broadcasting and sharing of movie and TV show files, everything is right in front of us, and we take advantage of it as much  as we can AND we keep up with all of our shows, our favorite director’s latest pieces, documentaries, with one single click (to be honest, it might take more until you reach the desired media, but you get my point).

My inspiration is low and I have countless of things to say about this topic, but I just wanted to point out my everlasting fascination with how the internet developed every media, in every view, making us present for anyone at all times, and the simple fact that we can do anything we want without moving an inch (unless you need to take your laptop from your desk or plug it in or something similar, so I wouldn’t be taken literally)  and do your shopping, ranging from clothes to groceries and necessities, to doing your homework, reading a book, watching a movie, keeping up with your favorite TV show, and hey, while we are at it, update your schedule, contact your parents, set your alarm, and you have gone through your ‘chores’ all from your bed (again, disregarding the physical movements regarding cleaning, getting ready and similar).

We are living in a digital world, and it’s growing and moving faster then we are used to, but we go with it, and we use it as much as we can without the sense that we are part of something that has changed the world and the way society works in its core.

Sorry for my messy rambling.