Thoughts on Twitter

Hello everyone,

I have always hesitated to get a twitter account.  Having facebook, I honestly never understood the point of twitter.  ”Why would you write your status’ on twitter instead of on facebook?” I would always ask.  It seems so repetitive and a waste of time.  Everyone posts about what they are doing right now and honestly why would one care.  I understand that it is a fun way to follow famous people that you are fans of, but other than subscribing to well known twitter users, I just did not understand the point.  Facebook status’ seemed to be more substantial and interesting to read.

After speaking with the digital media class about these issues that I have always had with twitter, I have a whole new understanding of the social networking site.  As a result of getting a twitter account for the class, I have come to really enjoy the site.  I like posting tweets that don’t have to always mean anything important.  One thing about twitter that I really like that most students also mentioned in the class, is that one is able to post anything they want without feeling like their post is going to get judged.  On facebook, it is true, I always feel like I have to think about what I am posting really hard before I post it, because I know all my friends will see it, whereas on twitter everyone posts random or funny tweets and most of the time your friends won’t even get a chance to see it.  Another thing I have come to like on twitter is that they limit the amount of characters in a post you are allowed to add.  This makes it so posts aren’t overwhelmingly long and are easily read in a short time period.  I really enjoy that aspect.

In conclusion, I have come to realize that twitter and facebook are two very different type of social networking sites and that twitter is more laid back and fun to explore.

Thanks for reading,
