Nightmare at Verizon

On Sunday, I decided to take a drive down to Rutland with my parents (who were here visiting for the weekend) to go to the Verizon store. My iPhone 4s had been freezing so I figured now was the time to upgrade. We arrive and they tell us it would be a 45 minute wait. Fine. 45 minutes turns into an hour. An hour turns into an hour and 10 minutes. Finally, my name is called. The employee helping me is extremely nice, explaining the various options I have to upgrade to. I decide on the iPhone 5c. The 5c is a new addition to the 5 generation. The only difference between the 5c and the 5 is that it has a colored backing. I pick the baby blue one and wait for my contacts and such to be transferred over. The employee tells me everything from my 4s seems to be backed up on the iCloud so transfer will be quick and easy. She proceeds to erase the contents of my iPhone 4s. Bad idea. I watch as the contacts on my 5c are all of my mom’s contacts, including email addresses from her three emails. I immediately inform the woman of the mistake and she tells me that my contacts are coming in, but it will just take time. I leave the store feeling very unsure.

Arriving back at Middlebury, my parents and I both came to the conclusion that my contacts were not in fact going to come in. We then took matters into our own hands. I call Verizon and my mom calls Apple. By some miracle, Apple was able to restore my contacts and send them to my phone. As you can imagine I was extremely thrilled. Looking past my stressful day at Verizon, I am loving the 5c. It is so light and durable, I sometimes forget I am carrying my phone at all. iphone-5c-all-colors