“Table Talk”

Let’s rewind to the night of Friday September 20th. It’s 8 pm and my friends decide that they want to go to 51 Main Street, a very nice restaurant if I may say so myself. In the course of the night, my phone dies.

The death of my phone’s batteries brought about many discoveries. Including:

My friends on their phones

My friends on their phones


The picture above is what I spent about 20 minutes looking at. Everyone was on their phones, and I had no phone to look at. My friend willingly took this picture for me realizing that I had no phone to take it with. It was so frustrating to have no functioning phone for the entire night. Not only did I know I would have to face my mother’s wrath when I managed to turn my phone back on, but also, for the night it was very difficult to check the time and or text anyone. I found that I was constantly pressing the home button on my phone only to realize that my phone was off – “it was a struggle.”

Being unable to use my phone for about two hours, I realized that I depend so heavily on my phone. However, I also recognize their abilities to make for entertainment when in social groups. I developed a love hate relationship with the fact that I need my phone so much. I was worried about not being in communication with people but I was also able to see how my friends interact using a phone as a medium of conversation. It was truly interesting, one of my friends would show a Vine video and we would all join in laughter and eventually commentary on the video. It’s the way that entertainment is served to us, little things that allow some laughter when in larger groups. However, I also recognize that it is strange to think that as teenagers we NEED some sort of medium in order to be entertained.

I think it’s an interesting concept, that we need something to do in order to be entertained and that entertainment is usually provided to us by our phones. I think that I can have fun without my phone, at least I would think I can. However, after the other night, I can say that phones can be used too fold. They can either make the table really quite when everyone is engaged in their phones or they can create a spark for conversation.