Daily Archives: September 20, 2013

Putting Down the Phones

I’ve noticed among friends at home and people here at Middlebury a distinct effort to focus on the here and now. Just last night at dinner, as the four people I was sitting with were all occupied with iPhone-related distractions, I sarcastically commented that my phone was dead and I had nothing to do. Immediately they all apologized, finished whatever they were doing, and commented on how they try not to look at their screens while at meals or in social situations. At home it is the same; people decide to put their phones in their pockets or to put their computers away and instead engage in other activities.

Though at times I feel like a mother telling her kids to play outside instead of staring at the television, this seems to be a big social movement. People hike or go biking or learn to play an instrument in distinct efforts to control time “wasted” mindlessly browsing Facebook.

There seems to be a reported decrease in social media that explains this amazing phenomenon. People peaked a few years ago with digital media, and now are learning how to check that use.