Netflix – Better Than a Girlfriend

Don’t lie to yourself. Don’t even try to pretend like marathoning episodes of Breaking Bad while lying in your bed eating potato chips is not the greatest thing ever. I don’t care if your into Pretty Little Liars (whatever that’s about – I’m assuming attractive teenaged girls who are all connected to some sort of scandal) or the raw political intrigue of House of Cards (a Netflix original series) – Netflix is awesome.


If my father stopped paying the eight dollars per month for our family subscription, I would finance an account through my own means. I mean, eight dollar per month is a downright deal considering that you get access to a massive library of TV shows and movies. I don’t even know if I will get a cable or satellite subscription once I am living on my own, considering what a steal Netflix is. There’s never not something to watch on Netflix – a dilemma I frequently encounter on cable television . For example, this summer I got my wisdom teeth out. For a solid week I did nothing but eat yogurt, ice my mouth, and watch Netflix. I started watching the show Weeds to occupy my time. Eight seasons were finished in a course of six days. No other platform would allow you to do that. That is the beauty of Netflix.

My Netflix Dashboard

My Netflix Dashboard


So, when you’re feeling lonely and upset, would you rather turn to a significant other who might be able to cheer you up or will you turn to the lovable antics of the characters of The Office which are guaranteed to make you feel better any day. Personally, I think Dwight and This is my ode to you, Netflix – you beautiful, perfect time sucking piece of awesome. May you continue adding content and keeping me entertained when I am bored. 


– Murph