
Hi All,

Since I have came to America, I have discovered that most people are still using the SMS function even though most people have smartphones. During my gap year, I have worked for an app called WeChat, which is based in Guangzhou. This app supports Windows, Android, iOS and the Blackberry. This app is better than iMessage because iMessage only allows two iOS devices to text each other. WeChat is similar to WhatsApp in a way but much more awesome! In the new WhatsApp update, one can see that it is quietly installing WeChat functions into it. In China, WeChat has already reached 450 million users. Overseas, around 90 million. This already surpassed Facebook Messenger (around 200 million). WeChat has functions like video call, live walkie talkie etc and makes life a lot easier! It is also for FREE. So go download it now and play with it!


P.S My favorite function in it is the voice message function. Sometimes when I don’t feel like typing a long phrase I just press a button a leave a voice message on my friends phone. Download to check it out! (It pains me to see how people still use SMS)



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