Daily digital adventures

It started off from my once a week allowance to go online and download pictures for my Desktop PC quite a few years ago, to not being as able to go through the day without checking several electronic devices in order for a normal-functioning day. I have replaced many devices in one meta-device that offers the plethora of devices I might need to use individually in only a black 5” cover with a multi-touch screen.

Waking up with the alarm clock on my phone going off.
Checking my emails on either the said phone or laptop eagerly sitting next to it.
Refreshing facebook, twitter, reddit and such over and over again, on any device that supports them on its platform.
Reading several newspapers on one device? Check.
Watching movies, pausing, and checking your RSS feed in the meantime, again, on the silly little iPhone? Done.

Digital media, since its exponential growth in the social world, has been a vital part in the daily life on the average media user. It has, as such, grown into mine.