Daily Archives: September 10, 2013

My Daily Digital Data

After logging a few days of my digital media use over the summer, I realized something about myself: I didn’t have much to record. In general, I consider myself a frequent user of facebook and texting. After all, isn’t everyone always connected to some sort of digital media nowadays? Over the course of three days, however, I received only 36 messages and sent 34 when my little sister literally tops that number in under an hour. In total, I spent less than five minutes talking on the phone and averaged a tad under an hour a day on the computer. While many of my friends and peers refresh their facebook newsfeed every other minute, I checked it maybe twice a day, and my time on the internet mostly consisted of online shopping for college (yay!) and general last minute research about classes and fire codes… I have no twitter, no smartphone, no snapchat, and no instagram. Let’s just say I’m a little bit illiterate when it comes to these many types of digital media. So, a daily average of 12 received text messages that seems like a lot to me isn’t really much to record in the scheme of things.
As far as television goes, my TV stopped working months ago and I haven’t had enough of a reason to fix it ever since. I did, however, watch a couple of movies on Netflix and iTunes during those few days over the summer. (How great was the new Great Gatsby?!) I also read Game of Thrones for two hours one day on my Kindle!

Overall, I feel that my log showed that digital media it is a big part of my routine because I usually check my facebook and text messages every day, but at the same time I don’t really spend much time interacting with other forms of social media. I do love to read on my kindle, I read the newspaper when it’s sitting on my kitchen counter, and I love to snuggle up to a good movie, but that’s pretty much as far as I go as of yet. I’m interested to see how that usage will change as I morph into a college student.

Daily digital adventures

It started off from my once a week allowance to go online and download pictures for my Desktop PC quite a few years ago, to not being as able to go through the day without checking several electronic devices in order for a normal-functioning day. I have replaced many devices in one meta-device that offers the plethora of devices I might need to use individually in only a black 5” cover with a multi-touch screen.

Waking up with the alarm clock on my phone going off.
Checking my emails on either the said phone or laptop eagerly sitting next to it.
Refreshing facebook, twitter, reddit and such over and over again, on any device that supports them on its platform.
Reading several newspapers on one device? Check.
Watching movies, pausing, and checking your RSS feed in the meantime, again, on the silly little iPhone? Done.

Digital media, since its exponential growth in the social world, has been a vital part in the daily life on the average media user. It has, as such, grown into mine.

Hello world!

Welcome to my Digital Media Literacy Class Blog!

My name is Sebastian Colville-Reeves, I’m from Toronto Canada, and I’m a freshman at Middlebury College. In this blog, I’m going to discuss new media and how it relates to my own life experiences and society as a whole, but first, a little more about me. I love sports, music and spending time with my friends and family. You’ll often find me out, playing a pick up game of ultimate or walking across campus listening to  music on my iPhone. I also to play guitar and I love using Facebook to share tabs and new music with my friends.

Whether I’m writing about my own Facebook addiction, new internet privacy laws, or how a meme could represent a large scale change in the way we communicate ideas, I hope that you enjoy my blog and can join in on the discussion!

Until next time,
