Category Archives: Workshops

Dive into MiddCreate Workshop Series

Want to explore MiddCreate but don’t know where to start? What applications are right for your needs? What is your relationship with the web?

We’ll address these questions and more in this exploratory workshop series. Evelyn and Clarissa will provide an in-depth look into how to use six MiddCreate applications, from installation to brainstorming creative uses for each tool. Drop by and learn how to use them by yourself in your own domain. We’ll show examples of what can be done with the applications that will be featured so feel free to come with questions about how you might start using them in your own work or classroom.

Each day will consist of two 30 minute sessions that explore two different applications. This will be a chance to have a friendly discussion about the possibilities of MiddCreate and what you can gain from taking control of your online content. The more you understand, the better ambassador you’ll be, so we want to meet you where you are, and increase your knowledge about where you can go.

Ready to rethink how you use the web to enhance learning, teaching, and your digital identity? Check out the workshop schedule below.

                          July 26                 July 27              July 28
12:00pm       DokuWiki           Collabtive             Known
12:30pm       Vtiger CRM         LimeSurvey         Omeka

* Schedule is tentative and subject to change. Final version will be confirmed on July 18.

Event Information

Place: This will be held in the Learning Lab of the DLC. The Learning Lab is in McGowan, the room with the big central table, the recording booths, and the dock of computers against the wall.

Date: Tuesday, July 26 – Thursday, 28, 2016

Time: 12:00-1:00pm

What: A workshop series focused on providing an in-depth look at six MiddCreate applications to enhance learning, teaching, and your digital identity.

We hope you’ll join us!

Learn more about MiddCreate at

Skill Print Workshop in Vermont!

Thursday, July 7, 10:00-11:30am, held at the Kirk Alumni Center

The Digital Learning Commons from Monterey is leading a workshop in Middlebury, Vermont on Thursday, July 7, in collaboration with the Office of Organizational Development.

Join us in exploring a unique tool for assessing the topography of your developed and emerging skills. During this interactive session, you will have an opportunity to make your own skill print, and discuss how stress points, replenishing factors, and growth patterns play a role in your skill landscape. Come learn more about yourself as you try out something new!

We will lead you through some self-discovery questions, then give you time to fill out and color in your personal map.

Plus, get to know your colleagues from the Middlebury Institute’s Digital Learning Commons!

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Thanks to the Stanford D School for the idea!

Tuesday, June 14, 12:00-1:00

MiddCreate Workshop + Brown Bag Lunch

What have you heard about MiddCreate? What do you think you know? What do you know you don’t know? What do you want to learn?

This brown bag lunch is going to touch on all of those topics. Evelyn and Clarissa will show several examples of what can be done with MiddCreate and how to do it yourself. You can come with questions of your own about how you might start using MiddCreate in your work or in your classroom.

This will be a chance to have a friendly discussion about the possibilities of MiddCreate, where no question is too ignorant. The more you understand, the better ambassador you’ll be, so we want to meet you where you are, and increase your knowledge about where you can go.

We don’t have all the answers, but we are excited to explore with you together!

Event Information

Place: This will be held in the Learning Lab of the DLC. The Learning Lab is in McGowan, the room with the big central table, the recording booths, and the dock of computers against the wall.

Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Time: 12:00-1:00

What: A brown bag lunch focused on using MiddCreate to enhance learning, experiment with digital tools for teaching, and manage your digital identity.

We hope you’ll join us!


DLC & CACS Hangout Conversation – Beyond the Horizon: The Hybrid Experience

Digital Learning Commons and the Center for Advising & Career Services are co-sponsoring a viewing and discussion in conjunction with the New Media Consortium Beyond the Horizon: The Hybrid Experience event.

When: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:00 – 11:30am
Where: DLC Design Space
RSVP: Sign-Up to attend below

Event Description
Creating a hybrid experience in educational settings is a growing trend that has been highlighted in multiple editions of the NMC Horizon Report. Hybrid learning, also referred to as blended learning, is the integration of both online and face-to-face modalities to create a cohesive learning experience with flexibility and support for learners. In this online event, panelists will explore how the hybrid approach is fostering independent learning and collaboration, as well as cultivating more channels of communication among students and instructors. Panelists will reveal how the integration of online tools also provides instructors with the ability to track student success and engagement, rearranging face-to-face instruction around more active, hands-on activities.


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MiddCreate Applications Workshop Recap

On March 17th, the Digital Learning Commons held a workshop on MiddCreate Applications lead by Evelyn Helminen and Clarissa Stewart. The workshop was attended by students and members of staff interested in learning new ways to utilize their MiddCreate domains.

MiddCreate (an initiative currently in the pilot phase) allows students, faculty, and staff to create spaces on the web where they can explore and connect their learning, experiment with digital tools for teaching and learning, and create a digital identity that is owned and managed by them.

Classes and programs may also use MiddCreate to build a space for students to share and comment on each others’ contributions. There is an incredible variety of applications available, which can be a little intimidating at first. The workshop showcased four easy-to-use applications to give participants an idea of what’s possible in MiddCreate. They included a survey maker, a wiki page builder, a social publishing platform, and a project management system.

First, Evelyn explained what MiddCreate is and how to get started, introducing the application installer.

Then, Clarissa demonstrated how to use LimeSurvey, a survey making tool that lets you to easily create and execute a variety of assessments. It supports an unlimited number of surveys in 80 different languages, with over 28 different question formats and conditional logic options available.

Next, Evelyn discussed DocuWiki, which can be used to outline or keep track of a project, plan social events, or serve as a catch-all binder of knowledge. DocuWiki has all of the core features you need from a wiki, such as cross-linking pages, without the bells and whistles necessary for collaborative work. The look of your personal wiki can also be fully customized within the app and by accessing its files from the MiddCreate dashboard.

A social publishing platform called Known was also introduced. Known is very easy to use and works like a Facebook group or Tumblr, but doesn’t require that you be a member of those platforms. You can invite up to 200 users to collaborate by sharing post, status updates, photos, and audio. You can also make your own events or RSVP to external events. Students can use Known to showcase personal projects, get feedback on their work, reflect on and discuss course content with their peers outside of class, or serve as a bank of knowledge for everyone to access.

The final application was Collabtiv, a web-based project management tool that enables virtual teams to work in close collaboration. The tool represents projects by tasks, milestones, related files and messages. Time worked can be tracked on a task-by-task basis. Furthermore, the software is polyglot, supporting more than 35 languages.

Please be on the lookout for any future MiddCreate workshops! If you’re interested in learning more about how to use MiddCreate, feel free to come by the DLC Learning Lab or make an appointment with a DLC staff member.

Learn more about MiddCreate »

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MiddCreate Applications Workshop

Middcreate allows anyone in the Middlebury community to create a domain of their own where they can explore and connect their learning, experiment with digital tools, and manage their digital identity.

You can install a variety of applications on your domain. Wordpress is just one option.

Come learn more about the many other diverse applications offered in Middcreate! We’ll cover alternate blogging platforms, social publishing, survey makers, and more.

The workshop will be held in the Learning Lab of the Digital Learning Commons on Thursday, March 17, from 12:00-1:00.

Learn more about Middcreate »

Podcast Workshop Recap


Last Tuesday March 1st,  MIIS Radio and the Digital Learning Commons held a podcast workshop with guest speaker Jeff Dayton-Johnson. The workshop was very well attended with standing room only in the DLC Learning Lab. Students, faculty, and staff from many different backgrounds were in attendance. We talked a bit about what podcasting is and how someone would go about creating a podcast of their own.

Our guest speaker Jeff Dayton Johnson (JDJ), the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of the Institute shared his experience in radio and his transition to podcasting. He spoke about his love of music and having a jazz radio show.

Jeff also talked about creating podcasts for his classes in his back yard on his MacBook. First, he would walk around and record his lecture then he soon realized the audio quality was affected by his lack of proximity to the microphone in his laptop. He then had to find said microphone; once he did, JDJ began to record his podcasts directly into his computer’s mic. These stories were entertaining but also great to hear especially for students who might be overanalyzing their creative processes. Many students were unfamiliar with podcasting and the ways it could be used.

We are lucky to live in an age where storytelling can happen on so many platforms. Our suggestion is to reflect on what is important to you, what story you want to tell, and jump right in and CREATE!

Here are a few resources you may also want to check out:

FREE podcast crash course

Sound editing tools:

Please make sure keep  your ears open for any future Podcasting events! Also if you interested in learning more about Podcasting, The DLC, or MIIS radio feel free to come by the DLC Learning Lab or make an appointment with a DLC graduate assistant here .

Beginning SDL Trados Workshop

Translation Students!

Learn how to create and maintain Translation Memories with a workshop just for you.

Using TMs will help you to maintain consistency throughout your translations. It also means you will be able to use your previous work as a tool to speed up your own translation process.

Use of TMs is standard industry practice, so in this introductory workshop, we will show you the TM basics using SDL Trados. We will also show you how you can create glossaries using SDL MultiTerm.

Where and When

Join us from 1-2 pm on Friday, March 4th in the DLC’s Design Space (MG001) to get started with your own TM!

Attendees should have both SDL Trados 2015 and SDL MultiTerm downloaded on their laptops before the workshop.


Podcasting Workshop

Calling all Serial fanatics, radio lovers, communicators and educators who are curious about podcasting.

The DLC, MIIS Radio, and special guest Vice President (and podcasting extraordinaire) Jeff Dayton-Johnson are hosting an interactive workshop on podcasting for students and faculty.

Come to the DLC’s Learning Lab (above the D-Space) on Tuesday March 1st from 12-1pm to learn about creating quality podcasts and start making your own.


Camtasia Workshop for Interpreters

Sign up

The DLC (MG001) will be hosting workshops for intermediate interpretation students on using Camtasia software to record speeches. This workshop is aimed at helping students to prepare recorded speeches for interpreting practice. We will demonstrate video and audio capture, as well as basic video editing and exporting. The workshop will be offered 3 times next week for a maximum of 8 students per session. Please sign up below. After the training, we encourage you to use the Camtasia software installed on our computers by reserving a recording booth.

Click on one of the below dates to sign up for a session:

Additional Resources

Camtasia Free Trial

You can also download Camtasia on your personal computer.

Note: You would need to create an account to login. After signing up, you can download for both Mac and PC. The trial will last up to 30 days.

On-line Tutorials

Sharing your Video