Category Archives: MiddCreate

Dive into MiddCreate Workshop Series

Want to explore MiddCreate but don’t know where to start? What applications are right for your needs? What is your relationship with the web?

We’ll address these questions and more in this exploratory workshop series. Evelyn and Clarissa will provide an in-depth look into how to use six MiddCreate applications, from installation to brainstorming creative uses for each tool. Drop by and learn how to use them by yourself in your own domain. We’ll show examples of what can be done with the applications that will be featured so feel free to come with questions about how you might start using them in your own work or classroom.

Each day will consist of two 30 minute sessions that explore two different applications. This will be a chance to have a friendly discussion about the possibilities of MiddCreate and what you can gain from taking control of your online content. The more you understand, the better ambassador you’ll be, so we want to meet you where you are, and increase your knowledge about where you can go.

Ready to rethink how you use the web to enhance learning, teaching, and your digital identity? Check out the workshop schedule below.

                          July 26                 July 27              July 28
12:00pm       DokuWiki           Collabtive             Known
12:30pm       Vtiger CRM         LimeSurvey         Omeka

* Schedule is tentative and subject to change. Final version will be confirmed on July 18.

Event Information

Place: This will be held in the Learning Lab of the DLC. The Learning Lab is in McGowan, the room with the big central table, the recording booths, and the dock of computers against the wall.

Date: Tuesday, July 26 – Thursday, 28, 2016

Time: 12:00-1:00pm

What: A workshop series focused on providing an in-depth look at six MiddCreate applications to enhance learning, teaching, and your digital identity.

We hope you’ll join us!

Learn more about MiddCreate at

MiddCreate Applications Workshop Recap

On March 17th, the Digital Learning Commons held a workshop on MiddCreate Applications lead by Evelyn Helminen and Clarissa Stewart. The workshop was attended by students and members of staff interested in learning new ways to utilize their MiddCreate domains.

MiddCreate (an initiative currently in the pilot phase) allows students, faculty, and staff to create spaces on the web where they can explore and connect their learning, experiment with digital tools for teaching and learning, and create a digital identity that is owned and managed by them.

Classes and programs may also use MiddCreate to build a space for students to share and comment on each others’ contributions. There is an incredible variety of applications available, which can be a little intimidating at first. The workshop showcased four easy-to-use applications to give participants an idea of what’s possible in MiddCreate. They included a survey maker, a wiki page builder, a social publishing platform, and a project management system.

First, Evelyn explained what MiddCreate is and how to get started, introducing the application installer.

Then, Clarissa demonstrated how to use LimeSurvey, a survey making tool that lets you to easily create and execute a variety of assessments. It supports an unlimited number of surveys in 80 different languages, with over 28 different question formats and conditional logic options available.

Next, Evelyn discussed DocuWiki, which can be used to outline or keep track of a project, plan social events, or serve as a catch-all binder of knowledge. DocuWiki has all of the core features you need from a wiki, such as cross-linking pages, without the bells and whistles necessary for collaborative work. The look of your personal wiki can also be fully customized within the app and by accessing its files from the MiddCreate dashboard.

A social publishing platform called Known was also introduced. Known is very easy to use and works like a Facebook group or Tumblr, but doesn’t require that you be a member of those platforms. You can invite up to 200 users to collaborate by sharing post, status updates, photos, and audio. You can also make your own events or RSVP to external events. Students can use Known to showcase personal projects, get feedback on their work, reflect on and discuss course content with their peers outside of class, or serve as a bank of knowledge for everyone to access.

The final application was Collabtiv, a web-based project management tool that enables virtual teams to work in close collaboration. The tool represents projects by tasks, milestones, related files and messages. Time worked can be tracked on a task-by-task basis. Furthermore, the software is polyglot, supporting more than 35 languages.

Please be on the lookout for any future MiddCreate workshops! If you’re interested in learning more about how to use MiddCreate, feel free to come by the DLC Learning Lab or make an appointment with a DLC staff member.

Learn more about MiddCreate »

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