Category Archives: Events

Dive into MiddCreate Workshop Series

Want to explore MiddCreate but don’t know where to start? What applications are right for your needs? What is your relationship with the web?

We’ll address these questions and more in this exploratory workshop series. Evelyn and Clarissa will provide an in-depth look into how to use six MiddCreate applications, from installation to brainstorming creative uses for each tool. Drop by and learn how to use them by yourself in your own domain. We’ll show examples of what can be done with the applications that will be featured so feel free to come with questions about how you might start using them in your own work or classroom.

Each day will consist of two 30 minute sessions that explore two different applications. This will be a chance to have a friendly discussion about the possibilities of MiddCreate and what you can gain from taking control of your online content. The more you understand, the better ambassador you’ll be, so we want to meet you where you are, and increase your knowledge about where you can go.

Ready to rethink how you use the web to enhance learning, teaching, and your digital identity? Check out the workshop schedule below.

                          July 26                 July 27              July 28
12:00pm       DokuWiki           Collabtive             Known
12:30pm       Vtiger CRM         LimeSurvey         Omeka

* Schedule is tentative and subject to change. Final version will be confirmed on July 18.

Event Information

Place: This will be held in the Learning Lab of the DLC. The Learning Lab is in McGowan, the room with the big central table, the recording booths, and the dock of computers against the wall.

Date: Tuesday, July 26 – Thursday, 28, 2016

Time: 12:00-1:00pm

What: A workshop series focused on providing an in-depth look at six MiddCreate applications to enhance learning, teaching, and your digital identity.

We hope you’ll join us!

Learn more about MiddCreate at

Tuesday, June 14, 12:00-1:00

MiddCreate Workshop + Brown Bag Lunch

What have you heard about MiddCreate? What do you think you know? What do you know you don’t know? What do you want to learn?

This brown bag lunch is going to touch on all of those topics. Evelyn and Clarissa will show several examples of what can be done with MiddCreate and how to do it yourself. You can come with questions of your own about how you might start using MiddCreate in your work or in your classroom.

This will be a chance to have a friendly discussion about the possibilities of MiddCreate, where no question is too ignorant. The more you understand, the better ambassador you’ll be, so we want to meet you where you are, and increase your knowledge about where you can go.

We don’t have all the answers, but we are excited to explore with you together!

Event Information

Place: This will be held in the Learning Lab of the DLC. The Learning Lab is in McGowan, the room with the big central table, the recording booths, and the dock of computers against the wall.

Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Time: 12:00-1:00

What: A brown bag lunch focused on using MiddCreate to enhance learning, experiment with digital tools for teaching, and manage your digital identity.

We hope you’ll join us!


Envsioning Middlebury Post-lecture Community Conversation with Dr. Gardner Campbell

SIGN-UPS for this event may be FULL. If  you do not see an open sign-up below and you would like to attend, please add your name to the EVENT WAITLIST and we will see what we can do to accommodate.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Approximately 1:45pm (immediately following scheduled 12:15pm lecture and Q&A in V499)
Digital Learning Commons Design Space
001 McGowan Building | 420 Calle Principal

Following the lecture, Institute faculty and staff are invited to continue the conversation with a discussion hosted by the DLC to consider the implications of Gardner Campbell’s vision for the future of digital pedagogy and learning at the Institute. A light lunch will be served.

Seating is limited, please sign up below to participate:

[sign_up_sheet id=”31″]

Intercultural Digital Storytelling Showcase May 4, 6-8pm

The art of story has been around for centuries because it’s a fundamental way we make meaning as humans. It’s the way we reflect, share, and learn both individually and collectively. Digital tools have made this process easier and more accessible, adding dimensions to the storytelling process and avenues through which to share locally and globally.

The six #IDSP16 Fellows invite you to share in their experiences around the world through a screening of their digital stories in a community showcase on May 4th, 2016 from 6-8pm at the DLC Design Space. This interactive evening will offer a glimpse into storytelling and the fellowship process where reflection, immersion, inductive research, peer mentorship and digital media merge into story. Come celebrate with us, experience some amazing stories, and interact with your peers. Light snacks will be served.

The1 Intrcultural Digital Storytelling Project, also known as #IDSP, was designed for students at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) involved in immersive learning activities affiliated with their academic experiences. The IDSP Fellowship experience was designed to around 5 key competencies: immersive learning, inductive research, peer mentorship, reflection, and digital media.  The year-long timeline supports fellows in by guiding them through the development of these skills.

MIIS Happening 2.0 is April 28th

“A happening is a performance, event or situation meant to be considered art, usually asperformance art. Happenings occur anywhere and are often multi-disciplinary, with anonlinear narrative and the active participation of the audience. Key elements of happenings are planned but artists sometimes retain room for improvisation. This new media art aspect to happenings eliminates the boundary between the artwork and its viewer.” Source:

What is MIIS Happening?

A two hour Pecha Kucha-inspired event featuring short 6 minute and 40 second (20 slides x 20 seconds) talks, by MIIS students, staff, and faculty. The program will be generated through a massively open invitation for contributions by MIIS community members from all walks of campus. We’re seeking 20×20’s to inspire, engage and entertain a diverse audience, promote cross-disciplinary sharing, put a dent in programmatic silos, stir up some serendipity, celebrate creativity, and generally mix things up for a couple of hours. Talks may be inspired by storytelling or any number of themes, such as: change, place, culture, immersion, identity, adaptation, systems, ecologies, climate, language, among others. MIIS Happening! is two hours of participatory, fly-by-the-seat of your-pants intellectual exchange and exploration of unexpected connections among fields and schools of thought across the campus! MIIS Happening! is for everyone being shaped by and shaping MIIS.

April 16, 2015 Happening Archives

How can I get involved?

We are seeking 20×20 presentations from across the MIIS community. To get involved:

1. Drop in to an info session to learn more!

  • Info session #1, Wednesday, April 6, 1:00-2:00pm, Pacific Room, MG210
  • Info session #2, Tuesday, April 12, 12:00-1:00pm, Pacific Room, MG210

Can’t make it to the info sessions? Check out the Presenter toolkit to learn more.

2. Choose to participate as a presenter! (Sign up here)

3. Come to the Design & Feedback Clinic for help with your Pecha Kucha!

Feedback Clinic #1


Design & Feedback Clinic #1, Wednesday, April 20,1:00-2:00pm, DLC Design Space (Sign up below)



Feedback Clinic #2 (1)


Design & Feedback Clinic #2, Tuesday, April 26,12:00-1:00pm, DLC Design Space (Sign up below)


[sign_up_sheet category_id=”10″]

4. Come to the happening to see what’s happening, either as a spectator, supporter, spontaneous participator, or presenter!

  • MIIS Happening—the main event, Thursday, April 28, 12:00-2:00pm, Holland Center!


Teaching & Learning with Canvas – Coffee & Conversation

After last semester’s pilot, a collaborative proposal for the adoption of Canvas LMS, crafted and submitted by the Curricular Technology Team (a cross-departmental and -institutional advisory group which the DLC is a member of) was completed and posted to the Middlebury Canvas Pilot project website. This proposal was submitted in January for review by senior leadership. For more information on the pilot, click here.

As we look ahead to the potential adoption of the platform, join us on Friday, April 29, 9-10AM for coffee with pilot faculty to debrief on teaching and learning with Canvas:

Participation is open to the MIIS community – this is an opportunity for you to join the Canvas conversation and benefit from lessons learned as we look forward.

Useful Links


Spring Break @ the DLC

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
― Alan W. Watts

Join us for three opportunities to “play” at the Digital Learning Commons this spring break!

Monday, March 21, 11:00-12:00pm – Create your own Skill Print

We are busting out our crayons and markers and giving you a chance to design a colorful topographical map of your developed and emerging skills. Used by the Stanford D-School, this exercise is not only fun, it is a great tool to learn and share!

Wednesday, March 23, 11:00-12:00pm – Experience the Empathy Toy

The Empathy Toy is a unique toy for stretching your creativity and practicing communication. There are hundreds of ways to play, but all will give you a fun opportunity to laugh and learn.

Friday, March 25, 11:00-12:00pm – Bring on the Serious Play Legos

Join us as we break out our “Serious Play” lego sets! We will provide plenty of creative prompts for building and reflecting. There will be music (of course) and lots and lots of legos.

All sessions will take place in the Digital Learning Commons Design Space MG001.

Bring a friend and play!

Beginning SDL Trados Workshop

Translation Students!

Learn how to create and maintain Translation Memories with a workshop just for you.

Using TMs will help you to maintain consistency throughout your translations. It also means you will be able to use your previous work as a tool to speed up your own translation process.

Use of TMs is standard industry practice, so in this introductory workshop, we will show you the TM basics using SDL Trados. We will also show you how you can create glossaries using SDL MultiTerm.

Where and When

Join us from 1-2 pm on Friday, March 4th in the DLC’s Design Space (MG001) to get started with your own TM!

Attendees should have both SDL Trados 2015 and SDL MultiTerm downloaded on their laptops before the workshop.


J-Term Storytelling Night at the DLC


IDSP hosts Katie Barthelow & Anna Santos introduce the evening.

On Tuesday February 16th, Katie Barthelow and Anna Santos of the Intercultural Digital Storytelling Project (IDSP) hosted an open-mic style, storytelling night at the DLC.  Students who participated in immersive learning experiences were invited to share their funny, happy, serious, goofy, or insightful stories. Current and perspective students, faculty, and staff from different departments at MIIS attended the event.

Students performed stories about their experiences doing fieldwork in Nepal and Peru, as well as stories about independent projects and activities.

DSC_1488 (1)

Storyteller and team Peru participant, Eugene Wu.

Immersive learning can involve a lot of uncomfortable moments, insightful revelations, culture shock, and personal change. Processing those moments through storytelling is not only beneficial for the storyteller but is also beneficial in creating a community with greater sharing, support, and communication.

The J-Term Storytelling Night is part of an initiative to facilitate greater communication and sharing of the unique student projects and experiences of MIIS students.

DSC_1495The Intercultural Digital Storytelling Project (IDSP) began as an opportunity for students to participate in a fellowship around intercultural immersive learning experiences. The digital storytelling fellowship is the flagship program of IDSP, which currently has 7 fellows who are in the process of creating digital stories about their J-term experiences this Spring. One of IDSP’s Spring initiatives is to expand storytelling opportunities throughout the MIIS campus and beyond.

Digital Resource Drop-In Lab

Welcome back! DLC staff will be hosting daily drop-in hours during the week of January 25-29 for faculty and course teaching assistants to come by for help with getting Spring 2016 digital resources ready for the start of classes.

We are happy to assist with the following:

  • Reviewing your current use of digital resources, talking through new ideas you may have
  • Overview of Course Hub features and functionality (syllabus upload, linking to E-reserves, reviewing course rosters, creating a Moodle site, linking to other course resources)
  • Managing digital content in MIIS Moodle (
  • Importing archived digital content and activities in Moodle from previous term to current term
  • Reviewing common Moodle activity types for teaching (Discussion fora, quizzes, etc…)
  • Demonstrating digital media integrations (youtube, posting audio to Moodle fora, images)
  • General troubleshooting

Drop-in Lab Location & Times
Digital Learning Commons
McGowan Building at 420 Calle Principal or enter through 411 Pacific behind MG 102.

  • Monday, January 25 3-5:00pm
  • Tuesday, January 26, 9-11:00am
  • Wednesday, January 27, 2-4:00pm
  • Thursday, January 28, 9-11:00am
  • Friday, January 29, 9-11:00am

If these times do not work for you, please e-mail us at and we’ll do our best to follow-up with assistance.