Open House a Success!

The Commons’ Fall Open House was a smashing success, with food, games and dozens of attendees.

13 - 1Activities included what’s your favorite app, and inspirational quotes. Some favorites included The Guardian‘s News App for Android, because it offers “well written international and national news”, and Waze, because “Google Maps + Social Networking = Awesome”.

Favorite quote? “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” – Yogi Berra.

The three raffle prizes went to the lucky winners: Gregory Singfield in TESOL/TFL won a gift certificate for MIIS S.W.A.G. through Simoneau House. Professor Nükhet Kardam won a gift certificate to Café Lumiere. And NPTS student Tom Gray won a certificate to the iTunes gift store.

Stop by The Commons to share your favorite apps, quotes, and passions – we love to hear from you!