SEO & Web Content Guidelines


  • Keywords incorporated, but appropriately spaced
  • When applicable, full program title included in content
  • Full names referenced before acronym use
  • Link to program requirements included on program pages
  • Location specified when appropriate
  • Carousel items removed where possible to speed page loading


  • Keywords used in hyperlinked text rather than “click here”
  • Keywords used in hyperlink title (Insert/Edit Link > Title)
  • Links are active/updated if necessary
  • Links do not use shortened links (go links) or include .index


  • Keywords used in captions
  • Alt tags are 125 characters or less
  • Title is logical with keywords included
  • Original image size is as small as possible to speed page loading
  • “Image” or “Picture” included in the description if appropriate

Tags and Formatting

  • Meta Tags > Description includes keywords in brief summary of 150-200 characters. This text may appear as the summary text in a Google search, and should be written as an enticing preview to the page.
  • Keywords included in H1 & H2 headings where possible
  • Text styling (bold, italics, etc.) used for keywords where appropriate

Questions? Contact Evelyn Helminen,