An Analog DLC Needs Assessment

The Digital Learning Commons (DLC) prototyped a new way to assess the needs of our clientele! In line with DLC tradition, which marries creativity and analog imagination with digital innovation, we tried out a fun and simple method to assess the needs of our clientele based on four basic knowledge areas: Presentation & Graphic Design, Audio & Video, Blogging & Web Tools, and Instructional Technology. We created the needs assessment tool around these four basic categories to find out if what we currently offer is still in demand, and if there is a demand for something that we do not currently offer.

How we did it

tabling blog post pic 1Using a large interactive sheet of paper sectioned off into 4 knowledge skills areas (depicted as different landscapes) students and faculty placed dot stickers over software programs, or knowledge areas, that they would like to learn more about and/or attend a workshop on. They were also encouraged to write in anything they did not see listed but would like to have a workshop on. This occurred in the Samson Center Courtyard from 12-2pm on Tuesday, February 3rd.

What we found

tabling blog post pic 2Out of the four categories, Presentation & Graphic Design got the most “hits” (dot stickers), with Blogging & Web Tools having the second most. Audio & Video came in third and Instructional Technology was in 4th place. Excel had the highest workshop demand, but Photoshop and LinkedIn were close behind. Overall, we found that the DLC is in the right position to offer services to the MIIS community in different knowledge areas, particularly Excel, PhotoShop, LinkedIn, Camtasia, and iMovie.

What this means

Services offered by the DLC are in high demand, but disproportionately so. We have a working workshop offering and schedule based on need, but we need to connect and advertise more deliberately for our clientele to receive the training they demand. More than 90% of the hits were labeled by program, so we will be using teachers in specific programs as gatekeepers to targeted workshops.


What is next?

More targeted emails regarding upcoming workshops, more service offerings gleaned from your feedback, more needs assessments, and more delivery! We at the DLC pride ourselves on customer service, and this was just a simple step on the way to delivering better services to you, our clientele.

Keep an eye on your email for announcements on upcoming workshops!