This is a site Kristin Richards ’17 created on her own time for a summer camp run by myself and another computer science major Joy Wood (Class 17′). The idea of the project was to be simple, minimalistic and straight forward about the camp’s agenda and present a way for parents to get more information about the camp.
The project was made in raw HTML, CSS and PHP coding and is currently being hosted on the Middlebury Basin. This site took me approximately 2 days to piece together. It is a single page site with a linear slide to new sections of the page to give a clean design. It has a menu bar navigation system and an arrow navigation system for ease of use.
There was no Java Script used in this website which is the best part about it, however there is still work to be done on the responsiveness of the site (i.e. translating cleanly to different sized screens). Kristin shares that she learned a lot about CSS animations and Webkit translations while building this site.