Picking Up The Flute was a special WordPress site project assigned to Denisse De La Cruz. Denisse worked with Professor and published author John Elder to create an online digital book with music.
The process to create the site was tricky. Not only was there a site to create from scratch, there was a lot of online media usage to teach Professor Elder. Denisse worked with him to strengthen his online presence as well as his comfort using WordPress. Patience was the most important factor during this project but Denisse and Professor Elder had no problem with that. The entire website creation took a couple of months to get together and John was able to publish about 4 of his chapters alongside Denisse, the rest at his own pace as he continued to write and edit them.
The best part of the project for Denisse was definitely getting to teach online norms to an esteemed Professor but also having good laughs and being able to teach the wonders of WordPress to someone else. John Elder and Denisse cultivated a strong relationship by the end of the project and still stay in touch today!