
Diasporic Children of Indenture is a digital humanities site based in podcasting that explores reconciling the complexities and nuances of descending from South Asian indenture in diaspora. How do we indenture descendants relate or not relate to ancestral homelands on the South Asian subcontinent? What does the c-word mean? What does it mean to descend from indenture? What does it mean to be Indian? What does “Indian” mean? And how do these meanings change across migrations of time and space?  There is no one answer, let alone a correct answer. These meanings are fluid. The beauty is that these stories are not monoliths–every individual has a unique experience to share.

The majority of work for this site is for the completion of senior work and lesser contributions of this site are for the completion of the independent study Kreyol Gwadloupéyen (le Créole Guadeloupéen/Guadeloupean Creole). Both serve to partially complete the B.A. Degree International and Global Studies: Global Gender and Sexuality Studies at Middlebury College in Ndakinna (colonially known as Vermont, USA).

Learn more about this project in the post “What is a Coolie?” and