Fellow Travelers & Allied Efforts

Trans-institutional Networks

HASTAC http://hastac.org

HASTAC, which stands for Humanities, Arts, Sciences, Technology Alliance and Collaboratory, provides a forum for discussion of digital scholarship, with a strong emphasis on how this connects to digital pedagogy and a reimagined system of higher education.

Coherence at Scale http://coherence.clir.org/

The Committee on Coherence at Scale fosters strategic thinking about how to more rigorously manage the transition from analog to digital in higher education. The Committee aims to ensure the programmatic, concerted, and efficient development of large-scale projects that, if built as coherent elements of an emerging digital environment, will significantly enhance scholarly productivity and enrich teaching. The Committee will produce a blueprint for this new environment that is cost effective and sustainable by focusing on the following activities: research and analysis of key large projects and the technology requisite for their correlation; business plans necessary for a coherent, sustainable digital ecology of enormous scale in service to education and the public good; and return on investment, that is, the benefits and transformational aspects of such an undertaking.


Media Commons http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/ 

MediaCommons is a community network for scholars, students, and practitioners in media studies, promoting exploration of new forms of publishing within the field.  


allied projects/efforts

Anvil Academic http://anvilacademic.org/

Anvil Academic is bringing the best of the peer-review process to born digital scholarship.

Lever Initiative http://leverinitiative.wordpress.com/

The Lever Initiative is exploring the collaborative creation of an open-source long-form scholarly communication network.



If you would like to share a link to additional networks and initiatives that should be listed here, please do so by leaving a comment below. 

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