Steven Luber

Summary of Experience

Our class was fortunate enough to be immersed in the civil nuclear industry of the Czech Republic.

The unique program offered by the Nuclear Research Reactor Practicum provided the opportunity for classroom instruction by world-renowned professors, hands-on training on a real research reactor, and visits to functioning nuclear facilities. We spent most of our time at the VR-1 research reactor at the Czech Technical University in Prague, one of a declining number of training facilities which offers the opportunity (usually for PhD students) for direct experience in reactor operations.

This training facility was where we learned the basics of how nuclear reactors function, prior to visiting other facilities around the country. This allowed us the opportunity to study at a small scale reactor, helping us to develop a clear conceptualization prior to moving on to larger facilities, including the LVR-15 and LR-0 research reactors in Rez, the National Radiation Protection Institute, a tour of Skoda’s Nuclear Machinery manufacturing facility, and the nuclear power plants in Temelin  and Dukovany.

Putting the icing on the proverbial cake, our class also was able to visit historical sites around Prague and be immersed in Czech culture. Such visits included the Prague Castle, the Pilsner Beer Factory, and several local restaurants.

I highly recommend this program for any interested MANPTS students in the future.

Our class outside the facilities at Skoda Nuclear Machinery.