Course Outline



This practicum is organized within the framework of the newly established partnership between the James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) and the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic (CTU).

This course relates directly to issues having to do with nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. The technology, materials, and know-how involved in running a nuclear reactor are potentially “dual use” and can be diverted to efforts to develop nuclear weapons. For these reasons, international efforts to prevent proliferation and terrorism require putting nuclear reactors under safeguards and providing physical security of the nuclear materials. The course will enable students to observe how safeguards and nuclear security measures are implemented in practice.


All aspects of safe and secure reactor operation are covered in the course; nuclear safety, radiation protection, emergency preparedness, security and safeguards will be covered in the practicum. Key elements of the course are hands-on activities at the Training reactor VR-1 where students can experience theoretical knowledge being put into practice at a real nuclear installation.  The course includes technical visits to several nuclear installations, companies and/or state institutions, providing a comprehensive overview to students about safe and secure operation of nuclear installations.

The course is aimed to students with little or no nuclear experience who have only basic knowledge of atomic and nuclear physics.

Students successfully completing this workshop will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of reactor operation and control for research and power reactors.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the nuclear fuel cycle.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of radioactive decay, radiation detection, neutron activation analysis, and safe preparation of radionuclides in a research reactor.

Reading & Other Materials

There is no required text for the course. Reading assignments will be posted in a Dropbox set up for the course.


Deliverables have yet to be determined. It will likely involve a combination of assignments such as a short reaction paper and one or two quizzes.

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