The WIP hosted #LocalVoicesTalk about Women in Islam, a Twitter event.

On Thursday, July 24, The WIP hosted a Twitter chat “Women in Islam: Myth vs. Reality.” Join the conversation from 9:30 am – 10:30 am PDT on Twitter. #LocalVoicesTalk. 

You can view a recap of the discussion here.

Photo credit: Stephanie Murti

There will also be a workshop on Twitter best practices immediately before the event at 9:00 am in the DLC. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.

The idea for “Women in Islam: Myth vs. Reality” was inspired by two CNS fellows from Pakistan – Maria Syed and Nidaa Shahid. Both fellows wrote this summer for The WIP addressing the common misperceptions in the West of women in Pakistan. After sharing the topic with CNS fellow Abdulmajeed Ibrahim of Nigeria, the topic grew to address common misperceptions in the West about Islam. The vision for this conversation is to engage Muslims and Non-Muslims to cultivate better cross-cultural understanding.

Please join us at 9:30 Thursday morning, July 24 using #LocalVoicesTalk

Bios of participants:

Maria Syed @SyedMarias – Maria Syed is currently a visiting fellow at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, MIIS. She is a researcher at Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Pakistan and has over six years of research experience. Her areas of interest include Pakistan’s security and governance issues, political economy, The Middle East and North Africa region with special focus on The Arab Spring.

Nidaa Shahid @NidaaShahid – Nidaa Shahid is a visiting fellow at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at MIIS. She is a Radio Journalist from Pakistan. She has been working for the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) which is the official radio channel of Pakistan for the past five years. Apart from that she is also an MPhil Graduate in Defense and Strategic Studies with a focus on Media Studies, Information Warfare and Psychological Warfare.

Abdulmajeed Ibrahim @abdulmj1 – Abdulmajeed Ibrahim is a visiting fellow at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, MIIS. He is a Regulatory Engineer at the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA), Abuja. He has been working there for five years. He is experienced in Nuclear Security, Safeguards and Nonproliferation. His interests include Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament. He hopes for a World  free from Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The Women’s International Perspective @thewip – Based on the campus of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, The WIP is a global source for women’s perspectives. The WIP reports news, world opinion, and commentary through our Feature Articles, Byline Portal, Current Headlines and community blog. Our mission is to provide quality articles from the unique perspectives of women, accessible worldwide, and free to readers.

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