Speaker Series: Dr. Linton Wells II – 12 Sept 2014

Speaker Series Lin Wells Humanitarian Aspects of Cyber

12 September 2014: Dr. Linton Wells II, MIIS CySec Distinguished Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Distinguished Research Fellow – Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at National Defense University, former acting U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD NII) and U.S. Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (CIO), presented on “Humanitarian Aspects of Cyber 2.0: How Information, Communications and Technology Impact Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Relief (HA/DR).”

Speaker Series- NCTC: 24 April 2014

24 April 2014: The MIIS Terrorism Studies Club and MIIS Cyber Security Working Group hosted representatives from the Directorate of Strategic Operational Planning at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). They discussed their Net Assessment capability, which seeks to determine the character of the competition between the United States and non-state actors as well as identify areas of competitive advantage and asymmetries for senior policymakers.