Cyber Initiative Fosters Closer Ties with NATO Center of Excellence on Strategic Communications

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Dr. Itamara Lochard took part in the inaugural event, “The Riga StratCom Dialogue: Perception Matters,” of the new NATO Center of Excellence (CoE) on Strategic Communications in Riga, Latvia, MIIS was the only civilian U.S. academic institution represented and is seeking to foster closer research ties. This center prioritizes the nexus of communications, conflict and cyber for both Alliance and Partnership for Peace countries. Participants included the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence CoE in Estonia, three U.S. Senators, ambassadors and ministry officials, NATO and SHAPE staff as well as the president of Latvia. Presentations will be published in their new journal.

Dr. Lochard Presents Papers at NATO Advanced Workshop on Terrorists’ Use of Cyberspace: December 2014

Ohrid, Macedonia: Dr. Itamara Lochard spoke at the NATO Science for Peace effort in the Balkans co-hosted by the NATO Center of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism and the Macedonian Military Academy Mihailo Apostolski, a partner of MIIS Cyber. Papers of this NATO Advanced Training Workshop on “Terrorists’ Use of Cyberspace” were presented by a dozen international SMEs. Participants included an interdisciplinary mix of representatives in academia, industry, international organizations, NGOs and mid- to senior-level political-military leaders  from over 60 participants from all Balkan countries. MIIS Cyber was pleased to assist in the development of this workshop which aims to increase understanding and cooperation on the topic as well as address needs of the region. Papers will be published by NATO. MIIS was the only U.S. academic institution represented.

MIIS Cyber, Associate Sponsor of the 31st International Workshop on Global Security on Cyber and Defense, 27–28 October 2014

Paris, France: MIIS Cyber was an associate sponsor of the 31st International Workshop on Global Security at l’Hôtel des Invalides in Paris, France for high-level civilian and military leaders of NATO, the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, foreign dignitaries and key tech companies. This year’s Chatham House rules-event focused on Russia, Ukraine and post-Snowden cyber threats that face the Alliance. MIIS Cyber Director Dr. Itamara Lochard presented, “Addressing Complexity: Trends in Cyber Cooperation” on the “Dealing with the Threat — the Key Role of Industry” panel while MIIS Cyber Senior Distinguished Research Fellow Dr. Lin Wells chaired the “Cybersecurity Foundations: Norms, Governance, Infrastructures and People” panel. Scrubbed proceeding summaries and papers will appear on our site once published. The event was presented by the Center for Strategic Decision Research and the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale with major support from the French Ministry of Defense, the U.S. Department of Defense and NATO.

MIIS Cyber Director Presents Paper on Industry Role in Cyber Defense at Paris Workshop – 27–28 October 2014

Paris, France: MIIS Cyber was an associate sponsor of the 31st International Workshop on Global Security at l’Hôtel des Invalides in Paris, France for high-level civilian and military leaders of NATO, the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, foreign dignitaries and key tech companies. This year’s Chatham House rules-event focused on Russia, Ukraine and post-Snowden cyber threats that face the Alliance. MIIS Cyber Director Dr. Itamara Lochard presented, “Addressing Complexity: Trends in Cyber Cooperation” on the “Dealing with the Threat — the Key Role of Industry” panel while MIIS Cyber Senior Distinguished Research Fellow Dr. Lin Wells chaired the “Cybersecurity Foundations: Norms, Governance, Infrastructures and People” panel. Scrubbed proceeding summaries and papers will appear on our site once published. The event was presented by the Center for Strategic Decision Research and the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale with major support from the French Ministry of Defense, the U.S. Department of Defense and NATO.

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NATO HUMINT Center of Excellence, 13-18 October 2014

Paris, France: For the past three years, MIIS CySec Director, Dr. Itamara Lochard chaired “Understanding the Local Population” panel of the Human Aspects of the Operational Environment project for the NATO HUMINT Center of Excellence. The aim was to create an interdiscipinary report for NATO HQ from an international group of subject manner experts to help facilitate doctrine development by the NATO Alliance for present and future operations. The final meeting took place in Romania in October 2014 where chairs received the first paper versions of our efforts and discussed other collaboration possibilities. Electronic versions are available online on the NATO HCOE website.

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Goldman Sachs Conference, 29 – 30 September 2014

Washington, D.C.: MIIS CySec Director, Dr. Itamara Lochard served as a panelist at the Goldman Sachs Annual Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Conference in Washington D.C. on 29-30 September 2014. MIIS was the only academic institution represented in this crowd of Fortune 100s and U.S. government representatives. “The Modern Cybersecurity Landscape: A Path Forward” panel in which she participated included U.S. Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary for National Protection and Programs Directorate Suzanne Spaulding, Goldman Sachs Chief Information Risks Officer Philip Venables, IBM General Manager of Security Systems Brendan Hannigan and CEO of Tenable Network Security Ron Gula.

“Russia, Ukraine and Cyber Threats” Chatham-house forum

17 – 18 April 2014: MIIS Cyber and Suits and Spooks co-hosted a “Russia, Ukraine and Cyber Threats” Chatham-house forum at MIIS in Monterey, CA. Other sponsors included Taia Global, Basis Technology Corporations, Kaspersky Lab, O’Reilly Media, Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), Recorded Future and SecurityWeek. Twenty-one distinguished speakers from Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States interfaced with over 150 participants re the cyber component of the Crimean Crisis between Russia and Ukraine. This event was closed to the press. Additional information on the event, speakers and agenda can be found on the MIIS CySec Activities page.

Presentation by Dr. Itamara Lochard at NATO CoE-DAT: 10-14 March 2014

10 – 14 March 2014: Dr. Itamara Lochard, Director of MIIS Cyber, presented on “Terrorists’ Use of Cyber and Technology” at the NATO Center of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism (CoE-DAT) in Ankara, Turkey. Participants included an interdisciplinary mix of mid- to senior-level academics, industry leaders, members of  NGOs and international organizations as well as political/military officers from NATO, Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue, Istanbul Cooperative Initiative countries as well as non-NATO member-states. Countries represented were Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, France, Gambia, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mauritania, Mongolia, Pakistan, Qatar, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and Yemen. NATO Emerging Security Challenges Directors of the Counter-Terrorism Section and Weapons of Mass Destruction Section also presented.