WSJ: Taptic Engine Component Responsible for Limited Apple Watch supplies

If you’re still waiting for your Apple Watch order to arrive, the Wall Street Journal has someone for you to blame: Taptic Engine components manufactured by AAC Technologies Holdings Inc. “started to break down over time,” a manufacturing defect that “people familiar with the matter” say caused Apple to throw out some watches that had already been built.

Components from another supplier, Nidec Corp., haven’t been faulty, but it will apparently take time for Nidec to ramp up production and catch up with demand. Neither AAC nor Nidec provided a comment for the Journal‘s story.

The Taptic Engine is a key part of the Apple Watch—it’s what makes it vibrate when the watch wants your attention. Though many phones and tablets from other companies have used similar haptic feedback for a while now, Apple has only started to deploy it in the Watch and in some new MacBook models, where it’s used in trackpads to simulate physical clicks.

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