Why the long face? Retailer says walmart.horse domain infringes its IP

The artist behind the comic Questionable Content has fallen in the crosshairs—or should we say “the horsehairs”— of retail behemoth Walmart. The mega-retailer is demanding that Jeph Jacques “discontinue any and all use” of the walmart.horse domain, which renders at a tumblr and displays a horse in front of a Walmart store.

Here’s a snippet from Walmart’s cease-and-desist letter Sunday:

Your use of a Domain Name that incorporates the famous Walmart mark constitutes trademark infringement and dilution of Walmart’’s trademark rights and unfair competition. Your use of our mark in the Domain Name is diluting use because it weakens the ability of the Walmart mark and domain name to identify a single source, namely Walmart. Further, your registration and use of the Domain Name misleads consumers into believing that some association exists between Walmart and you, which tarnishes the goodwill and reputation of Walmart’s products, services, and trademarks.

The 34-year-old Massachusetts cartoonist said in an e-mail to Ars that the site is satire at its finest.

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