MIIS Cyber, Associate Sponsor of the 31st International Workshop on Global Security on Cyber and Defense, 27–28 October 2014

Paris, France: MIIS Cyber was an associate sponsor of the 31st International Workshop on Global Security at l’Hôtel des Invalides in Paris, France for high-level civilian and military leaders of NATO, the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, foreign dignitaries and key tech companies. This year’s Chatham House rules-event focused on Russia, Ukraine and post-Snowden cyber threats that face the Alliance. MIIS Cyber Director Dr. Itamara Lochard presented, “Addressing Complexity: Trends in Cyber Cooperation” on the “Dealing with the Threat — the Key Role of Industry” panel while MIIS Cyber Senior Distinguished Research Fellow Dr. Lin Wells chaired the “Cybersecurity Foundations: Norms, Governance, Infrastructures and People” panel. Scrubbed proceeding summaries and papers will appear on our site once published. The event was presented by the Center for Strategic Decision Research and the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale with major support from the French Ministry of Defense, the U.S. Department of Defense and NATO.

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