How RAM Scrapers Work: The Sneaky Tools Behind the Latest Credit Card Hacks

How RAM Scrapers Work: The Sneaky Tools Behind the Latest Credit Card Hacks

In the world of hacking, every malicious tool has its heyday—that period when it rules the underground forums and media headlines and is the challenger keeping computer security pros on their toes. Viruses and worms have each had their day in the spotlight. Remote-access Trojans, which allow a hacker to open and maintain a secret backdoor on infected systems, have had their reign as well. These days, though, point-of-sale RAM scrapers are what’s making the news.

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Goldman Sachs Conference, 29 – 30 September 2014

Washington, D.C.: MIIS CySec Director, Dr. Itamara Lochard served as a panelist at the Goldman Sachs Annual Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Conference in Washington D.C. on 29-30 September 2014. MIIS was the only academic institution represented in this crowd of Fortune 100s and U.S. government representatives. “The Modern Cybersecurity Landscape: A Path Forward” panel in which she participated included U.S. Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary for National Protection and Programs Directorate Suzanne Spaulding, Goldman Sachs Chief Information Risks Officer Philip Venables, IBM General Manager of Security Systems Brendan Hannigan and CEO of Tenable Network Security Ron Gula.