Speaker Series- NCTC: 24 April 2014

24 April 2014: The MIIS Terrorism Studies Club and MIIS Cyber Security Working Group hosted representatives from the Directorate of Strategic Operational Planning at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). They discussed their Net Assessment capability, which seeks to determine the character of the competition between the United States and non-state actors as well as identify areas of competitive advantage and asymmetries for senior policymakers.

“Russia, Ukraine and Cyber Threats” Chatham-house forum

17 – 18 April 2014: MIIS Cyber and Suits and Spooks co-hosted a “Russia, Ukraine and Cyber Threats” Chatham-house forum at MIIS in Monterey, CA. Other sponsors included Taia Global, Basis Technology Corporations, Kaspersky Lab, O’Reilly Media, Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), Recorded Future and SecurityWeek. Twenty-one distinguished speakers from Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States interfaced with over 150 participants re the cyber component of the Crimean Crisis between Russia and Ukraine. This event was closed to the press. Additional information on the event, speakers and agenda can be found on the MIIS CySec Activities page.

Recent Activity from The European Cyber Army (ECA)

Intelligence Analysis, the threat monitor for Recorded Future, detailed recent attacks and events linked back to The European Cyber Army (ECA) in a recent article. The group has also been linked to several campaigns against U.S. banks in recent months. Additionally, large-scale Syrian web outages have also been traced back to the ECA as of March.

European Cyber Army Logo

For those interested in seeing what other groups remain active in Europe, outside of Crimea, be sure to follow this group.