MOU between MIIS Cyber and the Military Academy General Milhailo Apostolski of Macedonia – 15 November 2013

15 November 2013: MIIS Cyber and the Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski of Macedonia signed an MOU. This is the first regional cyber security effort in Southeast Europe which is a follow-on to the October NATO ESCD Science for Peace-sponsored effort. It aims to provide training, education and awareness for all Balkan states. Given the strong support by the Macedonian Minister of Defense, First Secretary of the MOD and Dean of the Military Academy, the hope is that fostering the development of ICT security for the region will help ensure stability, peace and prosperity in the Balkans. MIIS Cyber Director, Dr. Lochard received a plaque from the Macedonian Military Academy for her assistance in developing this initiative over the past year and was interviewed in a press conference by news agencies in Macedonia.

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