In response to the revelations about the breadth and scope of NSA surveillance and data collection, Brazilian President Dilma Roussef is taking measures to reduce the influence of US Internet services in the country, and examining ways to transport data so that it does not pass through the US and become subject to collection there. This development may herald a fear of many internet watchers as of late, that the great “open internet” of the past years may give way to increasingly segregated national intranets, with access controls, censorship, and protectionism stifling the development and innovation that a global net has enabled. That the impetus for movement towards a fractured internet has been the NSA’s behavior should give policy-makers of all stripes pause. It should also raise concerns for the predominantly US-based providers of Internet Services about their international business prospects now that their close cooperation with the surveillance regime has been documented in the PRISM revelations. Indeed, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, who conducts polling of user trust for his company and other US based giants such as Google and Twitter reported that “the trust metrics for all of <us> went down” in response to the NSA leaks.
Dan Gifford – MCySec Media Manager