Category Archives: 2013-2014

2013-2014 Teachers’ Lectures and Presentations

CIF Project: Goals and Outcomespdf
Lisa Donohoe Luscombe, Project Manager, English Language and Nonproliferation (ELAN) Program

Lecture 1: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Fuel Cyclepdf
Video Recording
Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-VeressScientist-in-Residence & Adjunct Professor

Lecture 2: Nuclear Weapons in Today’s Worldpdf
Video Recording
Dr. Jeffrey KnopfProgram Chair, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, MIIS 

Lecture 3: Introduction to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regimespdf
Video Recording
Amanda MoodieResearch Associate, International Organizations & Nonproliferation Program

Lecture 4: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguardspdf
Video Recording
Dr. George MooreScientist-in-Residence, Adjunct Professor

Lecture 5: Regional Nuclear Challenges: South Asiapdf
Video Recording
Dr. Sharad JoshiFellow at CNS, Assistant Professor at Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, MIIS

Lecture 6: Prospects for the 2015 NPT Review Conferencepdf
Video Recording
Gaukhar MukhatzhanovaCNS Senior Research Associate, Washington, D.C. Office

Lecture 7: US-Russia Arms Controlpdf
Video Recording
Mr. Jon WolfsthalCNS Deputy Director

Workshop 1: How to Cite Sources Correctlypdf
Workshop 2: How to Make Effective Presentationspdf
Workshop 3: Focusing Your Messagepdf
Video Recordings
Lisa Donohoe Luscombe, Project Manager, English Language and Nonproliferation (ELAN) Program

Lecture 9: Nonproliferation Issues in Northeast Asiapdf
Video Recording
Stephanie LieggiCNS Senior Research Associate, East Asia Nonproliferation Program

Workshop 4: Introducing Useful Resources pdf
Masako Toki, Project Manager and Research Associate, Education Program

Lecture 8: Regional Nuclear Challenges: Middle East pdf
Video Recording
Dr. Chen KaneCNS Senior Research Associate, Washington, D.C. Office

2013-2014 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda

Monday, December 2nd

3:00 PM (PST) – 4:00 PM (PST)
Welcome Remarks/ Overview of the CIF Project and Teachers Workshop
Dr. Avner CohenNonproliferation Education Program Director, Adjunct Professor
Masako Toki
Project Manager, Nonproliferation Education Program and CNS Research Associate

4:00 PM (PST) – 5:30 PM (PST)
Introduction of 2013-2014 Mini-Projects
Lisa Donohoe LuscombeProject Manager, Nonproliferation Education
Masako TokiProject Manager, Nonproliferation Education Program and CNS Research Associate

Tuesday, December 3rd

3:00 PM (PST) – 4:30 PM (PST)
Lecture 1: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-VeressScientist-in-Residence & Adjunct Professor

Wednesday, December 4th

10:30 AM (PST) – 12:00 PM (PST)
Lecture 2: Nuclear Weapons in Today’s World
Dr. Jeffrey Knopf, Program Chair, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, MIIS

3:00 PM (PST) – 4:30 PM (PST)
Lecture 3: Introduction to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regimes
Amanda MoodieResearch Associate, International Organizations & Nonproliferation Program

Friday, December 6th

9:00 AM (PST) – 10:30 AM (PST)
Lecture 4: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguards
Dr. George MooreScientist-in-Residence, Adjunct Professor

11:30 AM (PST) – 1:00 PM (PST)
Lecture 5: Regional Nuclear Challenges: South Asia
Dr. Sharad JoshiFellow at CNS, and Assistant Professor at Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, MIIS

 Monday, December 9th

11:00 AM (PST) – 12:30 PM (PST) Speaker is from CNS Washington DC Office.
Lecture 6: Prospects for the 2015 NPT Review Conference
Gaukhar MukhatzhanovaCNS Senior Research Associate, Washington, D.C. Office


2:00 PM (PST) – 3:30 PM (PST)
Lecture 7: US-Russia Arms Control
Mr. Jon WolfsthalCNS Deputy Director

3:30 PM (PST) – 5:30 PM (PST)
Workshop 1: How to Cite Sources Correctly
Workshop 2: How to Make Effective Presentations
Workshop 3: Focusing Your Message
Lisa Donohoe LuscombeProject Manager, Nonproliferation Education


Tuesday, December 10th

12:00 PM (PST) – 1:30 PM (PST)
Lecture 9: Nonproliferation Issues in Northeast Asia
Stephanie LieggiCNS Senior Research Associate, East Asia Nonproliferation Program

4:00 PM (PST) – 4:30 PM (PST)
Workshop 4: Introducing Useful Resources
Masako TokiProject Manager, Nonproliferation Education Program and CNS Research Associate

4:30 PM (PST) – 5:30 PM (PST)
Wrap Up Session, and Discussion for the Spring Conference
Masako TokiProject Manager, Nonproliferation Education Program and CNS Research Associate

Thursday, December 12th

9:00 AM (PST) – 10:30 AM (PST) Speaker is from CNS Washington DC Office.
Lecture 8: Regional Nuclear Challenges: Middle East 
Dr. Chen KaneCNS Senior Research Associate, Washington, D.C. Office

CIF 2014 Spring Conference Report

Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education Forum Brings Japanese, Russian and American High School Students Together to Address Nuclear Issues

Masako Toki

April 17, 2014

Students and teachers from Japan and Russia joined their peers from the U.S. at the 2014 spring conference of the Critical Issues Forum project – a nonproliferation and disarmament educational outreach project for high school students – convened by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies on April 4th and 5th at Santa Catalina School in Monterey.

CIF Spring Conference Participants

CIF Spring Conference Participants

CIF 2014 photo galleries
Final Presentations

At the Critical Issues Forum (CIF) conference, students from five U.S. high schools in different states (California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin), four Russian high schools in closed nuclear cities (Lesnoy, Novouralsk, Ozersk and Zelenogorsk), and six Japanese schools from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kanagawa and Tokyo presented their findings on the topic “Nuclear Nonproliferation: Global Opportunities and Regional Challenges.” The CIF program is managed by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute.

Every year, the CIF project provides opportunities for high school students to address one of the world’s most pressing problems.  This year, the CIF project has challenged participants to study the relationship between regional security and international nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament issues. Students identified nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament challenges, evaluated what progress has been made, and envisaged what must be done to make further progress in both areas.

Students from Cushing Academy Discuss Nuclear Challenges in South Asia

Students from Cushing Academy Discuss Nuclear Challenges in South Asia

The spring conference is the culmination of the semester-long CIF project that begins with a teacher training workshop. This academic year’s teacher workshop was held in December 2013 using an online conference tool. For the spring conference, all the CIF students completed mini-project 1 and prepared for the spring conference presentations under the guidance of CIF teachers.

Last year, CIF started engaging Japanese students in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two cities devastated by atomic bombs in August 1945. This year, Japanese participation expanded to Tokyo and Kanagawa, in the eastern part of Japan. Professor Nobumasa Akiyama of Hitotsubashi University, who is one of the leading experts in the field of nonproliferation and disarmament in Japan, joined the CIF conference as a chair of the CIF-Japan steering committee. In addition, one of the high school students from Hiroshima has been appointed as a “Youth Special Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons” as part of a project launched by the Japanese government last year to convey the importance of nuclear disarmament to the world.

Chiho Kosakura, Youth Special Communicator for a   World Free of Nuclear Weapons Share Her Experience

Chiho Kosakura, Youth Special Communicator for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Share Her Experience

Students Interact with each other during the Conference

Students Interact with each other during the Conference

Students’ presentations:

All participating students presented and exchanged their findings on their chosen topic in a creative and innovative way, followed by an open discussion centered on a question and answer session with their peers and teachers.

Many schools focused on nonproliferation challenges in the Middle East, such as Iran’s nuclear problem, tensions between Israel and Arab nations surrounding nuclear issues, and a Middle East Zone free of weapons of mass destruction.  Some schools examined the nuclear weapons rivalries between India and Pakistan in South Asia. Two of the Japanese schools investigated the volatile security situation in Northeast Asia that has been exacerbated by North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests, and the recent uneasy relationship between Japan and its neighboring countries.  In addition to these regional foci, some schools presented US-Russia arms control agreements and the future prospects of bilateral negotiation toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Participants from Kwassui High School, Nagasaki, Present Their Studies on Northeast Asia Nuclear Situation

Students from Kwassui High School, Nagasaki, Present Their Studies on Northeast Asia Nuclear Situation

The CIF project is designed to develop critical thinking skills and to engage students and teachers around issues related to international peace and security. Students were also engaged in interactive and cross-cultural activities during the conference and had the chance to interact with graduate students studying nuclear disarmament issues in the Institute’s Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies program.

The CIF conference also welcomed Norwegian Consul General in San Francisco Hilde Janne Skorpen as a keynote speaker. She spoke about the Humanitarian Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapons.  This issue has been drawing increasingly attention recently, and many CIF students also mentioned this issue in their presentations. Norway is one of the leading countries in this field and hosted the first conference on humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons in Oslo, in March 2013.  As a closing keynote address, Professor Nobumasa Akiyama encouraged all the students to be innovative and creative in thinking about a world free of nuclear weapons.

Norwegian Consul General Hilde Skorpen Discusses Humanitarian Aspects of Nuclear Disarmament

Norwegian Consul General Hilde Skorpen Discusses Humanitarian Aspects of Nuclear Disarmament

Professor Nobu Akiyama Encourages CIF Students to be Innovative and Creative

Professor Nobu Akiyama Encourages CIF Students to be Innovative and Creative

The CIF project team sincerely hopes that these young leaders for the next generation will be the driving force to accomplish the goals of a world without nuclear weapons. We believe that the CIF project exemplified how education can promote nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament.

Santa Catalina Students Present Their Solution on Middle East Nuclear Weapons

Santa Catalina Students Present Their Solution on Middle East Nuclear Weapons

This year’s CIF program is funded by the United States-Japan Foundation, a New York–based organization supporting activities to deepen friendship and understanding between Americans and Japanese, and the Tokyo Club, Japan’s oldest and most prestigious gentlemen’s club. The CIF program also receives support from the Chapman Foundation for students in Monterey. For more information on the CIF program, please visit the CIF website at, and view this short video.

Students from Novouralsk, Russia at the Award Ceremony

Students from Novouralsk, Russia at the Award Ceremony

Students from Yasuda Girls High School Enjoy Santa Catalina School Campus

Students from Yasuda Girls High School Enjoy Santa Catalina School Campus

View this report at CNS website

View conference presentations


2013-2014 Student Presentations

Welcome Remarks by Masako Toki, CIF Project Manager and Bryan Lee, CNS Acting Deputy Director
Welcome Remarks by Dr. Amy Sands, MIIS Provost

US Schools: 

Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT
Presentation Title: Iran: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities

Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA
Presentation Title: Untying the Knot-Understanding the Enmity and Nuclear Dangers of the Indo-Pakistan Relationship

Janesville Academe for International Studies, Janesville, WI
Presentation Title: Nuclear News

Presque Isle High School, Presque Isle, ME
Presentation Title: The Struggle of the Middle East

Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA
Presentation Title: Options for Peace in the Middle East

Japanese schools:

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima
Presentation Title: 思い立ったが吉日(Start Acting Today)

Yasuda Girls High School, Hiroshima
Presentation Title: South Asia Free of Nuclear Weapons

Kwassui High School, Nagasaki
Presentation Title: The Abolition of Nuclear Weapons in Northeast Asia

Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies, Kanagawa
Presentation Title: Tax for Pacific Tomorrow

Kaisei High School, Tokyo
Presentation Title: The Lacking Piece: People’s Action

Chiho Kozakura, Hiroshima University High school, Hiroshima, Youth Special Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons
Presentation Title: My Activities as a Youth Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons

Russian schools:

Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk
Presentation Title: Throwing a Bridge over the Continents

Gymnasia No 164, Zelenogorsk
Presentation Title: Lessons from the Past Can Solve the Problems of the Future

Lyceum No 39, Ozersk,
Presentation Title: Through the Glass

Lyceum, Lesnoy
Presentation Title: The idle East: Pathways to a Nuclear-Free Zone

Keynote Speeches:

Consul General Hilde Janne Skorpen, Royal Norwegian Consulate General, San Francisco
Presentation Title: Humanitarian Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapons

Dr. Nobumasa Akiyama, Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
Presentation Title: Critical Roles of Youth in Nuclear Disarmament

MIIS-CNS student Panel

Choosing to make a Difference: Educational and Career Opportunities in disarmament and Nonproliferation


Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT

Presentation File

Choate PPT

 Presentation Video

Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA

Presentation File

Presentation Video

Janesville Academe for International Studies, Janesville, WI

Presentation File

Presentation Video

Presque Isle High School, Presque Isle, ME

Presentation File

PIHS Prezi

 Presentation Video

Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA

Presentation Title: Options for Peace in the Middle East

Presentation Filesanta catalina ppt cover

Presentation Video

Japanese schools:

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima

Presentation File,

hiroshima jogakuin prezi coverPresentation Video

Yasuda Girls High School, Hiroshima

Presentation File,

yasuda prezi cover

Presentation Video

Kwassui High School, Nagasaki

Presentation File

kwassui ppt cover

Presentation Video

Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies, Kanagawa

Presentation File

yokohama ppt cover

 Presentation Video

Kaisei High School, Tokyo

Presentation File

kaisei prezi cover

Presentation Video

Chiho Kozakura, Youth Special Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons, Hiroshima University High school, Hiroshima

Presentation File

kozakura ppt cover

Presentation Video

Russian schools:

Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk

Presentation File

novouralsk prezi cover

Presentation Video

Gymnasia No 164, Zelenogorsk

Presentation File

zelenogorsk prezi cover

Presentation Video

Lyceum No 39, Ozersk

Presentation File

ozersk ppt cover

Presentation Video

Lyceum, Lesnoy

Presentation File

lesnoy prezi cover

Presentation Video

Keynote Speeches:

Consul General Hilde Janne Skorpen, Royal Norwegian Consulate General, San Francisco

Presentation Video

Dr. Nobumasa Akiyama, Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

Presentation File

akiyama ppt cover

Presentation Video

MIIS-CNS Student Panel

Choosing to make a Difference: Educational and Career Opportunities in Disarmament and Nonproliferation

Presentation Video