2013-2014 Teachers’ Lectures and Presentations

CIF Project: Goals and Outcomes Lisa Donohoe Luscombe, Project Manager, English Language and Nonproliferation (ELAN) Program Lecture 1: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Video Recording Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, Scientist-in-Residence & Adjunct Professor Lecture 2: Nuclear Weapons in Today’s World Video Recording Dr. Jeffrey Knopf, Program Chair, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, MIIS  Lecture 3: Introduction to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regimes Video RecordingContinue reading 2013-2014 Teachers’ Lectures and Presentations

2013-2014 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda

Monday, December 2nd 3:00 PM (PST) – 4:00 PM (PST) Welcome Remarks/ Overview of the CIF Project and Teachers Workshop Dr. Avner Cohen, Nonproliferation Education Program Director, Adjunct Professor Masako Toki, Project Manager, Nonproliferation Education Program and CNS Research Associate 4:00 PM (PST) – 5:30 PM (PST) Introduction of 2013-2014 Mini-Projects Lisa Donohoe Luscombe, Project Manager, Nonproliferation Education Masako Toki, ProjectContinue reading 2013-2014 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda