Author Archives: Malvya Chintakindi

2015-2016 Student Presentations

Opening Speeches

U.S. Schools

Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT

Dr. Olga Mohan High School, Los Angeles, CA

Harker School, San Jose, CA

Pacific Grove High School, Pacific Grove, CA

Punahou School, Honolulu, HI

Rock University High School, Janesville, WI

Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA

Japanese Schools

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima

Kansai Soka Senior High School, Katano

Kwassui High School, Nagasaki

Nagasaki Nanzan High School, Nagasaki

Ritsumeikan Uji High School, Kyoto

Soka Senior High School, Tokyo

Russian Schools

Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk

Gymnasium No 164, Zelenogorsk

Lyceum, Lesnoy



US Schools – 

  1. Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT on Nuclear Threats : Seen and Unseen

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2. Dr. Olga Mohan High School, Los Angeles, CA on A Case Study of a Nuclear-Armed North Korea: Potential Threats, Present Crisis, and Possible Solutions

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3. Harker School, San Jose, CA on Historical Precedents and Policy Analysis in the Development of Proposed Nuclear Mishap – Response Plans

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4. Pacific Grove High School, Pacific Grove, CA on Global Nuclear Security:
An Environmental Perspective

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5. Punahou School, Honolulu, HI on Global Nuclear Dangers And a Plan to Address Them

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6. Rock University High School, Janesville, WI On the Reduction of Weapons-grade Fissile Material via Civilian Nuclear Power: The Efficacy of Arms Reduction through a Civilian Nuclear Power Initiative


7. Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA on Staircase to Global 1

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Japanese Schools

  1. Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima on Let’s Get Out of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

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2. Kansai Soka Senior High School, Katano on Two Humanistic Weapons to transform global nuclear vulnerability

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3. Kwassui High School, Nagasaki on The World Is Never Secure – The myth of nuclear safety

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4. Nagasaki Nanzan High School, Nagasaki on Understanding Nuclear Vulnerability and Our Efforts for a Peaceful World

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5. Ritsumeikan Uji High School, Kyoto on From the Past to the Future

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6. Soka Senior High School, Tokyo on Let’s make a paradigm shift 

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Russian Schools – 

  1. Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk on Life is a maze…

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2. Gymnasium No 164, Zelenogorsk on The Road to Take

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3. Lyceum, Lesnoy on Close Calls with Nuclear Weapons: Challenges and Possible Solutions 

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2016 Student Spring Conference

Global Nuclear Vulnerability: Lessons for a More Peaceful and Secure World

Students and teachers from Japan and Russia joined peers in the United States at the 2016 spring conference of the Critical Issues Forum project –a nonproliferation and disarmament educational outreach project for high school students – convened by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies on April 15th and 16th  at Santa Catalina School in Monterey, California.



2016 Conference Report

US, Japanese, Russian High School Students Discuss Nuclear Dangers and Find Solutions with Former Secretary of Defense Dr. William Perry

 “Global Nuclear Vulnerability: Lessons for a More Secure and Peaceful World”

Masako Toki

April 28, 2016

Students and teachers from Japan and Russia joined peers from the United States at a conference on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament convened by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS). The conference featured former US Secretary of Defense William J. Perry. The Critical Issues Forum (CIF) annual conference took place on April 15-16 at Santa Catalina School in Monterey that co-hosted the conference.

Each year, the CIF conference takes place at a time when the world leaders are also tackling challenges posed by nuclear dangers. This year’s conference was no exception. This parallel timing underscores for the students that they are engaging with vital, real-world issues through the project. As dedicated students studying disarmament and nonproliferation, these young people will be essential to reducing nuclear risks and contributing to the goal of peace and security of a world free of nuclear weapons.

Just a few days before the CIF conference, the Group of Seven Foreign Ministers meeting was held in Hiroshima, and for the first time, the incumbent US secretary of state visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Also a few weeks prior to the CIF conference, President Barack Obama convened the final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC, where over fifty world leaders gathered to take concrete measures to enhance nuclear security.

Former United States Secretary of Defense Dr. William Perry and his daughter, Ms. Robin Perry, joined the conference for the entire second day’s session, which featured a dialogue session between him and the students, moderated by Dr. William Potter, CNS founding director. This direct interaction with a former top-ranking US defense official who had been deeply involved in US nuclear weapons policy was an exciting and rare opportunity for participants.

Dr. William Perry's keynote presentation

Dr. William Perry’s keynote presentation

As an additional enhancement to the prestige of the conference, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida sent a congratulatory message to the CIF participants, delivered at the conference by Japanese Consul General in San Francisco Mr. Jun Yamada. Mr. Kishida himself participated last year’s CIF conference that was held in Hiroshima to greet participants. The CIF conference was also fortunate to have Professor Mitsuru Kurosawa from Osaka Jogakuin University and the founding president of the Japan Association of Disarmament Studies as a commentator.

Under this year’s theme, “Global Nuclear Vulnerability: Lessons for a More Secure and Peaceful World,” students held informed and dynamic discussions that built upon their semester-long preparation as part of the CIF project. Students and teachers effectively inspired each other and learned from other schools’ presentations.  It is truly encouraging to see these young future leaders working together to find ways to reduce nuclear dangers.

Students’ Conference

The CIF conference on April 15 and 16 brought seven US high schools, six Japanese schools, and three Russian high schools to Santa Catalina to discuss global nuclear vulnerability, reducing nuclear dangers, and what each of these young leaders-in-training can do to make progress toward a goal of peace and security of a world free of nuclear weapons. Following an opening statement by Masako Toki, CIF project manager, Dr. William Potter warmly welcomed all the participants, congratulating their hard work to study this challenging but vital topic. He highlighted CNS’s mission to educate the next generation of nonproliferation specialists, and the importance of disarmament and nonproliferation education for high school students, which is very rare. As head of the hosting Upper School of Santa Catalina School, Dr. Kassandra Brenot cordially welcomed the participants from these three countries.

Kwassui High School students from Nagasaki gave their presentation titled - “IT’S NEVER SECURE - the myth of nuclear safety”

Kwassui High School students from Nagasaki gave their presentation titled – “IT’S NEVER SECURE - the myth of nuclear safety”

Throughout the months of preparation for the conference, the students immersed themselves studying the topic, “Global Nuclear Vulnerability: Lessons for a More Secure and Peaceful World.” Students examined the dangers of the current nuclear weapons situation, and investigated how close the world has come to nuclear weapons use, and many concluded that, in some respects, the risk of nuclear weapons is greater today than it was during the Cold War. They also explored the ways in which international nonproliferation and disarmament regimes function to prevent nuclear weapons from being used. Students also explored ways to prevent any future use of nuclear weapons. Then, through meticulous, insightful, and creative research, students presented their own solutions to these problems, demonstrating a solid understanding of this sophisticated and complex challenge.

To supplement and expertly guide students’ own research, CIF teachers had participated in the previous December, in an online teachers’ workshop on the relevant subjects. Using lectures and educational materials prepared by CNS experts, each school worked hard toward the spring conference.

Student Presentation Highlights (each school’s presentation video and file can be viewed here.

In their presentation, students from the host school, Santa Catalina in Monterey, California, examined how to avoid nuclear weapons use both accidentally and intentionally. Students shared their idea to disarm the majority of the nuclear weapons in the world slowly and gradually while maintaining the world stability. Dr. Olga Mohan High School from Los Angeles focused on the North Korea’s nuclear threats and how to solve this dangerous situation.  Their studies included the recent nuclear weapons tests and background information. The students also highlighted the likelihood of a North Korean nuclear accident. Before the conference, the students and teacher interviewed several nuclear experts, and concluded their presentation with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki- Moon’s principle: “there are no right hands for wrong weapons.”

Students from Dr.Olga Mohan High School 's creative presentation

Students from Dr.Olga Mohan High School ‘s creative presentation

As first time CIF participants, Punahou School from Hawaii students’ research included an interview with a survivor of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. This research also explored past close calls, including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the 1983 Soviet Nuclear False Alarm incident. Students also delineated the current nuclear weapon status that continues to present threats to humanity.  In order to reduce the nuclear dangers, the students argued that it is essential to raise awareness of such a danger among young people. Thus, they proposed that high schools should create an international issues club where students and teachers can actively discuss and find solutions to global challenges.  They also proposed to collect petitions to take US nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert. As an effort to promote nuclear disarmament education, the Punahou students also proposed to coordinate educational activities with Hiroshima peace scholars.

Students from one of CIF’s “veteran” high schools, Choate Rosemary Hall, explored several existing nuclear threats, such as the continued existence of thousands of nuclear warheads across the globe, their proliferation, their status, and modernization by some countries, as well as issues of nuclear terrorism. In their proposal, Choate students argued that any progress in nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament requires US leadership, and that US diplomatic leverage can encourage other nations to follow suit  The decisive unilateral actions to reduce stockpiles and lower hair-trigger alert status are important steps.  The students also examined other solutions including realignment of spending priorities to reduce nuclear weapons funding and changing public perceptions.

Choate Rosemary Hall’s students gave their presentation on “Global Nuclear Vulnerability: Threats Seen and Unseen”

Choate Rosemary Hall’s students gave their presentation on “Global Nuclear Vulnerability: Threats Seen and Unseen”

This year, six Japanese high schools participated, four of which were new to CIF—a warmly welcomed expansion of the project to other cities in Japan beyond Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of the original schools, Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, has been undertaking extensive nuclear disarmament and peace education activities, including meticulous scrutiny of excessive defense spending for nuclear weapons and the study of the risk of terrorist acquisition of nuclear materials or nuclear weapons. The students also highlighted lack of progress in nuclear disarmament. In order to achieve the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons, these students from the first city that was attacked by a nuclear weapon proposed to utilize education to promote nuclear disarmament. The students came up with an idea to create a special project entitled the Youth Education for a Nuclear Weapon Free World (YENFW) and create a universal textbook available online for free.

Another veteran school from Japan, Kwassui High School in Nagasaki, argued that nuclear weapons will never bring safety and security to the world, articulating three nuclear dangers: the use of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons as deterrence, and nuclear weapons as a tool to gain interest. They investigated the reasons and causes behind these dangers, and how we can overcome them. The students argued that the current NPT regime is not sufficient to accomplish the goals of a world without nuclear weapons, highlighting the importance of creating a new treaty to ban nuclear weapons, as well as the need to raise awareness of the risk of nuclear weapons through educational activities among civil society, especially among young students.

One of the first-time participants, Soka Senior High School in Tokyo, asserted the importance of a paradigm shift in nuclear weapons from the concept that nuclear weapons are a necessary evil to an absolute evil to humanity. In order to make this paradigm shift, students suggested that we should take a multi-track diplomacy approach. As part of the effort to promote the importance of achieving a world without nuclear weapons, students introduced their promotional and educational video project.

All the students’ presentation will be posted on the CIF website.

Please see the CIF Conference Booklet for more information at

 Keynote by and Conversation with Dr. William Perry

A highlight of this year’s CIF conference was the keynote speech by former Defense Secretary Dr. William Perry and the ensuing conversation with him and his daughter, Ms. Robin Perry.

CNS Director Potter introduced Dr. Perry as a man whose name has become “synonymous with government service, integrity, and common sense.” Dr. Potter highlighted Dr. Perry’s tremendous work in galvanizing efforts to secure nuclear stockpiles inherited by former Soviet states and presiding over the dismantlement of more than 8,000 nuclear weapons.

Before he started his keynote address, Dr. Perry kindly applauded CNS for holding this “unique and insightful” educational conference, saluting Dr. Potter and CNS for “pioneering” nonproliferation and disarmament education, and tireless and creative efforts to promote such education. He emphasized the importance of education to reduce nuclear dangers, and highlighted that starting such education at the high school level is an effective way to spark a lifelong engagement with the issue.

In his keynote remarks, Dr. Perry shared his unique and insightful thoughts on nuclear dangers, culled from his own experience through his long-term government service, including as secretary of defense.  After witnessing the nuclear devastation first-hand in Hiroshima only a few months after the bombing, his role as an analyst during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as well as subsequent further nuclear crises during his time in government, Dr. Perry’s appreciation of what nuclear weapons can do to human beings and environment is an important gift to have shared with all CIF participants.

Dr. William Perry and his daughter Robin Perry along with the CNS Director Dr. William Potter during the conversation with CIF students.

Dr. William Perry and his daughter Robin Perry along with the CNS Director Dr. William Potter during the conversation with CIF students.

Dr. Perry warned that we are now on the verge of a new nuclear arms race, and that we are drifting back to a Cold War mentality. The public, he said, is “blissfully unaware” of the new nuclear danger they face. He emphasized that the danger of nuclear catastrophe is greater today than it was during the Cold War. He is therefore is working tirelessly to reduce nuclear dangers through public education, especially youth: the best way, he said, “to deal with this nuclear problem is through education, and education has to start young, at high school.” This situation inspired him to write his new memoir, My Journey at the Nuclear Brink, which aims to educate the public about these dangers.

Please see his speech in the video below:

The conference also welcomed Ms. Robin Perry, Dr. Perry’s daughter and the executive director of the William J. Perry Project (, which produced a grim animated short she shared with CIF participants.

Dr. Perry and Dr. Potter congratulate participants from Soka Senior High School with Masako Toki, CIF project manager

Dr. Perry and Dr. Potter congratulate participants from Soka Senior High School with Masako Toki, CIF project manager

While the scenario depicted in the film is fiction, it showcases the real plausibility of terrorists acquiring nuclear materials and developing an effective, improvised nuclear device. The project aims to educate and engage the public about the dangers of nuclear weapons in the twenty-first century.

After the video screening, Dr. Potter moderated the conversation between Dr. Perry and high school students. CIF students were not shy in asking questions to the former secretary of state. They lined up in front of microphones to ask Dr. Perry a variety of enthusiastic, interesting questions, including his views on how young students can fulfill the important role of reducing nuclear dangers, the dangers of North Korea’s nuclear threats, US-Russia relations, nuclear terrorism, and nuclear policies in the context of the US presidential election.

Message from Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida

Another treat for participants was the congratulatory message sent from Japanese Foreign Minister Mr. Fumio Kishida Delivered by Mr. Jun Yamada, Japanese Consul General in San Francisco, Foreign Minister Kishida highlighted the historic G7 foreign ministers meeting in Hiroshima, which provided the ministers with a chance to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, lay wreaths at the Cenotaph for the atomic bomb victims, and visit the atomic bomb dome. Mr. Kishida, a Hiroshima native, is well known as a strong disarmament advocate and his efforts toward creating a world free of nuclear weapons through disarmament education for youth. As part of such effort, Mr. Kishida reiterated his announcement from the Hiroshima G7 meeting that Japan will expand the Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons Program to other countries as well. Many CIF students were appointed official “Youth Communicators,” including some American and Russian students, the first non-Japanese students so appointed.

Link to Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco Website in Japanese, and in English

MIIS Gradate Students’ Panel Discussions

MIIS students studying nonproliferation issues share their experience with CIF high school students

MIIS students studying nonproliferation issues share their experience with CIF high school students

The CIF conference also engaged graduate students in nonproliferation and terrorism studies. These young scholars shared their experiences with how the MIIS nonproliferation studies impacted their career decisions. Hearing how MIIS students’ experience interning at the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, working for various international disarmament and nonproliferation conferences—such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference and the UN General Assembly meetings—encouraged and inspired these CIF high school students to continue their academic and professional endeavors in the field. During a question-and-answer session, the high school students asked the MIIS students for their advice in terms of educational and career opportunities in nonproliferation and disarmament.


Dr.Perry chatting with high school students

Dr.Perry chatting with high school students

 This year’s CIF conference again proved the importance of disarmament and nonproliferation education for youth as a way toward achieving the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons. As Dr. Perry stated in his speech, the first step we must take to reduce nuclear danger is education, and CNS efforts to engage high school students in such a dynamic and multifaceted manner is one important contribution.

These high school students worked tirelessly, thinking critically about this complicated nuclear issue in order to find their own, innovative solutions to reduce nuclear dangers and make progress in nuclear disarmament. Many of these students realized that they are the ones who are responsible to achieve that goal. CNS hopes that this type of educational project will give more opportunities to young students to further raise their awareness of these global challenges, strengthen their determination to work toward this goal, and start something they can do, no matter how small it may seem.

Dr. Perry at book signing of his new memoir, "My Journey at the Nuclear Brink"

Dr. Perry at book signing of his new memoir, “My Journey at the Nuclear Brink”

In his recent memoir, My Journey at the Nuclear Brink, Dr. Perry elucidated in its final chapter: “… Dealing with the problem of nuclear dangers will take decades, and will ultimately need to be solved by today’s youth, in America and around the globe. My generation dealt with the nuclear dangers of the Cold War; later generations must deal with the deadly nuclear legacy that we left behind.” For these youths to inherit this daunting task, education is essential.

This year’s CIF program is funded by the United States-Japan Foundation, a New York-based organization supporting activities to deepen friendship and understanding between American and Japanese citizens, and the Tokyo Club, Japan’s oldest and most prestigious private club. For more information on the CIF program, please visit the CIF website at

See also
Monterey plays host to disarmament conference for teens Monterey Herald, April 14, 2016 

Participants from Novouralsk, Russia and Hiroshima

Participants from Novouralsk, Russia and Hiroshima

Participating Schools

 United States
Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT
Harker School, San Jose, CA
Dr. Olga Mohan High School, Los Angeles, CA
Pacific Grove High School, Pacific Grove, CA
Punahou School, Honolulu, HI
Rock University High School, Janesville, WI
Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima
Kansai Soka Senior High School, Katano
Kwassui High School, Nagasaki
Nagasaki Nanzan Senior High School, Nagasaki
Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School, Kyoto
Soka Senior High School, Tokyo

Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk
Gymnasia No 164, Zelenogorsk
Lesnoy, Lyceum

Please see the video clip featuring Gymnasium 164 in Zelenogorsk, Russia.

2015 CIF Alumni Spotlight : Shizuka Kuramitsu


Shizuka Kuramitsu with MIIS Alumna Sarah Bidgood, Dr. Lassina Zerbo – the executive secretary of the CTBTO and other young participants

In March 2015, I joined the Critical Issues Forum in Hiroshima when I was an 11th grade student at the Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School. The theme of the conference was “The Humanitarian Approach to Nuclear Disarmament”. It did not take much time to realize how dangerous the world we are living in is after I started to prepare for this conference. Most participants noticed and concluded the importance of raising awareness through the CIF. The conference planted some seeds in me. Firstly, I was able to gain knowledge about nuclear issues from not only the viewpoint of Hiroshima. Secondly, I was able to see the dedication of those who are working on this issue directly. Finally, I was able to think whether I could devote myself to this issue seriously.

Thanks to the participation at CIF, I had a chance to go to the lecture meeting with Dr. William Perry, the former US secretary of defense in August in Hiroshima. I prepared some questions for him by putting practical use of the knowledge I had from the CIF. I still remember when I was sitting in the front row, listening to the four panelists. As Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the executive secretary of the CTBTO, made a speech, I was so moved that I cried. He told us that working for nuclear disarmament is a long, long marathon. Finding me crying, he seemed very surprised; he came up and asked the reason.  I was so moved by his dedication to disarmament that I cried again. I asked him what I could do. He just hugged me and gave me his business card. That night, I emailed him about why I cried, I wrote how touching his speech was, and I promised to keep working on disarmament. I think his message to us was touching because I understood how serious this issue is through taking part in the CIF

Just ten days before the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) symposium, I was kindly sent an invitation to attend in Vienna, Austria starting on January 25th. Honestly, I felt as if I found myself in front of the gate of the United Nations in Vienna, Austria.

At the symposium, I was the only high school student. Furthermore, there were many important people and experts in the field of disarmament, who know about this issue deeply and from many aspects. I know I was invited just as an observer but I actually believed my mission was to deliver the story and emotion of those who are from Hiroshima. However, when I spoke with people who are studying or know well about these issues, my viewpoint started to deepen. As I am still a mere high school student, I really did not know much about the CTBT, nor did I know the technical terms related to this issue and the CTBT. So, the atmosphere overwhelmed me. It also made me wonder whether I can mention about the A-bomb survivors of Hiroshima before gaining knowledge like them. I felt like the humanitarian approach to disarmament I had been studying from the CIF is too emotional to be discussed at an international conference because everybody has their own perspective on the humanitarian approach and many know the facts of Hiroshima. Finally, I was feeling embarrassed and disappointed that I have no knowledge and I could not say anything about Hiroshima. After the meeting with Dr. Zerbo and four brilliant graduate students, Ms. Diana Ballestas de Dietrich, the contact person with students, said that she does not expect me to be completely knowledgeable and follow the symposium perfectly. Her words made me rethink the reason I was invited. So, I was able to come back to my honest viewpoints from Hiroshima and the theme of the CIF I attended. I thought of A-bomb survivors, who turned the military city into the peaceful one, instead of seeking revenge. I remembered the words of the former mayor of Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, “You have to say what is to be done right as one person, do not discuss the field of economics, science and diplomacy.” I found that I should talk with my sincere heart, not about other matters that I did not know to touch someone’s heart. This was the reason I asked Ms. Diana Ballestas de Dietrich if I could give some comments at the end. I really was not satisfied with my speech, but I think I was able to thank all the participants for their hard work.

Honestly, I was not sure if I would dedicate my life to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation after the CIF. However, through the lecture meeting with Dr. Perry and being invited to the CTBT symposium, I came to think that I want to gain more knowledge, like people I met at the conference, and look for the best way I can to contribute to this issue.


2015 Alumna Spotlight : Shizuka Kuramitsu


Shisuka ctbto

Shizuka Kuramitsu with MIIS Alumna Sarah Bidgood, Dr. Lassina Zerbo – the executive secretary of the CTBTO and other young participants

In March 2015, I joined the Critical Issues Forum in Hiroshima when I was an 11th grade student at the Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School. The theme of the conference was “The Humanitarian Approach to Nuclear Disarmament”. It did not take much time to realize how dangerous the world we are living in is after I started to prepare for this conference. Most participants noticed and concluded the importance of raising awareness through the CIF. The conference planted some seeds in me. Firstly, I was able to gain knowledge about nuclear issues from not only the viewpoint of Hiroshima. Secondly, I was able to see the dedication of those who are working on this issue directly. Finally, I was able to think whether I could devote myself to this issue seriously.

Thanks to the participation at CIF, I had a chance to go to the lecture meeting with Dr. William Perry, the former US secretary of defense in August in Hiroshima. I prepared some questions for him by putting practical use of the knowledge I had from the CIF. I still remember when I was sitting in the front row, listening to the four panelists. As Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the executive secretary of the CTBTO, made a speech, I was so moved that I cried. He told us that working for nuclear disarmament is a long, long marathon. Finding me crying, he seemed very surprised; he came up and asked the reason.  I was so moved by his dedication to disarmament that I cried again. I asked him what I could do. He just hugged me and gave me his business card. That night, I emailed him about why I cried, I wrote how touching his speech was, and I promised to keep working on disarmament. I think his message to us was touching because I understood how serious this issue is through taking part in the CIF

Just ten days before the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) symposium, I was kindly sent an invitation to attend in Vienna, Austria starting on January 25th. Honestly, I felt as if I found myself in front of the gate of the United Nations in Vienna, Austria.

At the symposium, I was the only high school student. Furthermore, there were many important people and experts in the field of disarmament, who know about this issue deeply and from many aspects. I know I was invited just as an observer but I actually believed my mission was to deliver the story and emotion of those who are from Hiroshima. However, when I spoke with people who are studying or know well about these issues, my viewpoint started to deepen. As I am still a mere high school student, I really did not know much about the CTBT, nor did I know the technical terms related to this issue and the CTBT. So, the atmosphere overwhelmed me. It also made me wonder whether I can mention about the A-bomb survivors of Hiroshima before gaining knowledge like them. I felt like the humanitarian approach to disarmament I had been studying from the CIF is too emotional to be discussed at an international conference because everybody has their own perspective on the humanitarian approach and many know the facts of Hiroshima. Finally, I was feeling embarrassed and disappointed that I have no knowledge and I could not say anything about Hiroshima. After the meeting with Dr. Zerbo and four brilliant graduate students, Ms. Diana Ballestas de Dietrich, the contact person with students, said that she does not expect me to be completely knowledgeable and follow the symposium perfectly. Her words made me rethink the reason I was invited. So, I was able to come back to my honest viewpoints from Hiroshima and the theme of the CIF I attended. I thought of A-bomb survivors, who turned the military city into the peaceful one, instead of seeking revenge. I remembered the words of the former mayor of Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, “You have to say what is to be done right as one person, do not discuss the field of economics, science and diplomacy.” I found that I should talk with my sincere heart, not about other matters that I did not know to touch someone’s heart. This was the reason I asked Ms. Diana Ballestas de Dietrich if I could give some comments at the end. I really was not satisfied with my speech, but I think I was able to thank all the participants for their hard work.

Honestly, I was not sure if I would dedicate my life to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation after the CIF. However, through the lecture meeting with Dr. Perry and being invited to the CTBT symposium, I came to think that I want to gain more knowledge, like people I met at the conference, and look for the best way I can to contribute to this issue.