2013-2014 Student Presentations

Welcome Remarks by Masako Toki, CIF Project Manager and Bryan Lee, CNS Acting Deputy Director Welcome Remarks by Dr. Amy Sands, MIIS Provost US Schools:  Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT Presentation Title: Iran: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA Presentation Title: Untying the Knot-Understanding the Enmity and Nuclear Dangers of the Indo-Pakistan RelationshipContinue reading 2013-2014 Student Presentations

Test your knowledge on Iran’s nuclear program! Have a fun!

If you want to check how much you know about Iran’s nulcear program, try this brilliant quiz provided by the Ploughshares Fund! Enjoy! Iran Nuclear Program Quiz Iran’s nuclear program has a long and winding history full of unexpected partners and secret facilities. Test your knowledge to see if you can make sense of theContinue reading Test your knowledge on Iran’s nuclear program! Have a fun!

What do you think about Japan-India nuclear deal?

As you know, India is not a member of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), and possesses nuclear weapons. But soon, Japan and India will conclude a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement. What is your opinion about this? Please take a look at Masako Toki’s new article for Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.  Heavy lifting ahead in theContinue reading What do you think about Japan-India nuclear deal?