Below are the first mini-projects of the CIF 2014-2015 Program. These are not revised drafts of student work. All schools have received feedback from the project manager for further revision.

Featured Projects

Japanese Schools

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School
Project: Nuclear Weapons

Yasuda Girls High School
Topic: Nuclear Weapons 

Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies
Topic: Nuclear Weapons

Russian Schools

Gymnasium #41, Novouralsk
Topic: Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)

Gymnasia #164, Zelenogorsk
Topic: Nuclear Disarmament

U.S. Schools

Choate Rosemary Hall
Topic: Nuclear Weapons

Cushing Academy
Topic: Nuclear Weapons

Harker School
Topic: Nuclear Weapons

Mid-Pacific Institute
Topic: The State of Nuclear Weapons

Presque Isle High School
Topic: Nuclear Disarmament

Pasadena High School
Topic: Nuclear Weapons

Rock University High School
Topic: Nuclear Disarmament: Humanitarian Approach

Santa Catalina High School
Topic: Nuclear Weapons